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Dockerfiles used for development. The Docker files consist of multiple stages that can be used for different stages of development (e.g., testing, development, etc.).

Building images

To build images, run

docker build . -f cpp.Dockerfile --target dev cpp:target

where . can be replaced with the context (i.e., where the container is built from), cpp.Dockerfile can be replaced with the appropriate file, and dev can be replaced with the target from the Dockerfile (i.e., what comes after AS). The cpp:target are shown when displaying the image (i.e., docker image ls) under REPOSITORY and TARGET, respectively.

To use a specific username in the build, use --build-arg USERNAME=username, which replaces the USERNAME argument in the Dockerfile.

Using docker-compose

It's possible to build all images using docker compose by running

docker-compose -f cpp.compose.yaml build

where cpp.compose.yaml is the docker-compose file.

Running containers

To run a container, build it using the commands above and then run

docker run -it --rm cpp:dev bash

where --rm removes the container once it exits (i.e., it makes it a temporary container).

List of useful flags and mounts

The following commands are useful when running docker run

Mount Description
~/.ssh:/home/cpp/.ssh/ SSH keys. Allows using SSH within the container
~/.zsh_history:/home/cpp/.zsh_history ZSH command history
-e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY Set display
/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix Forward X11 port
--hostname hostname Set container host-name
--network host Set network to host (useful when developing web applications)

Common issues

Ctrl+P not working properly

The <C-P> is used by Docker to detach keys. To change the key, update the "detachKeys" in ~/.docker/config.json. For example

    "detachKeys": "ctrl-z,z"

Check this answer for more details.


Dockerfiles used for development






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