I wanted to know more about the new Asmedia USB4 chips because I want to make USB-C PCIe stuff.
The ASM2464PD is meant for USB4 (or Thunderbolt 3 and USB3.x too, afaik) to NVMe SSD enclosures, and the ASM2464PDX is meant for USB4/TB to general PCIe devices such as GPUs.
I've read that the PD one also works for general PCIe devices but it's not officially supported. An AX210 wifi card worked on an ASM2464PD (non-X) enclosure for me, haven't tried GPUs yet.
So anyway I found some sussy data online and made a kicad version of the ASM2464PD pcb footprint and schematic symbol, it's a start to figuring out how to DIY something with these chips. I've got datasheets and reference schematics now so I'm slowly working on making a complete functional replica.
Current PCB layout is only for fun, differential pairs are not impedance matched yet and there's probably various other issues lol.
Random Chinese forum link with datasheet screenshots + bits of a reference schematic: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_54493972/article/details/127628081
Footprint/symbol reference: https://jlcpcb.com/partdetail/Asmedia-ASM2464PD/C7509569
Detailed images of a board: https://www.reddit.com/r/UsbCHardware/comments/17tjmh4/diy_ultra_compact_usb4thunderbolt_4_ssd_enclosure/