SparseP software package is a collection of efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication (SpMV) kernels for real-world Processing-In-Memory (PIM) architectures. SparseP is written in C programming language and provides 25 SpMV kernels. SparseP can be useful to developers of solver libraries and of scientific applications to attain high performance and energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel on real-world PIM architectures, and to software, architecture and system researchers to improve multiple aspects of future PIM hardware and software.
SparseP is developed to evaluate, analyze, and characterize the first publicly-available real-world PIM architecture, the UPMEM PIM architecture. The UPMEM PIM architecture is a near-bank PIM architecture that supports several PIM-enabled memory chips connected to a host CPU via memory channels. Each memory chip comprises multiple general-purpose in-order cores, called DRAM Processing Units (DPUs), each of them is tightly coupled with a DRAM bank. For a thorough characterization analysis of the UPMEM PIM architecture, please see our CUT'21 and arXiv'21 papers, and check out the PrIM benchmark suite, a collection of diverse workloads to characterize real-world PIM architectures.
SparseP efficiently maps the SpMV execution kernel on near-bank PIM systems and supports:
- a wide range of data types:
- 8-bit integer (INT8)
- 16-bit integer (INT16)
- 32-bit integer (INT32)
- 64-bit integer (INT64)
- 32-bit float (FP32)
- 64-bit float data types (FP64)
- two types of well-crafted data partitioning techniques:
- the 1D-partitioned kernels (1D), where the matrix is horizontally partitioned across PIM cores, and the whole input vector is copied into the DRAM bank of each PIM core.
- the 2D-partitioned kernels (2D), where the matrix is split in 2D tiles, the number of which is equal to the number of PIM cores, and a subset of the elements of the input vector is copied into the DRAM bank of each PIM core.
- the most popular compressed matrix storage formats:
- Compressed Sparse Row (CSR)
- Coordinate Format (COO)
- Block Compressed Sparse Row (BCSR)
- Block Coordinate Format (BCOO)
- various load balancing schemes across PIM cores:
- load-balance either the rows (rows) or the non-zero elements (nnzs) for the CSR and COO formats
- load-balance either the blocks (blocks) or the non-zero elements (nnzs) for the BCSR and BCOO formats
- several load balancing schemes across threads within a multithreaded PIM core
- load-balance either the rows (rows) or the non-zero elements (nnzs) for the CSR and COO formats
- load-balance either the blocks (blocks) or the non-zero elements (nnzs) for the BCSR and BCOO formats
- three synchronization approaches among parallel threads within a PIM core
- coarse-grained locking (lb-cg)
- fine-grained locking (lb-fg)
- lock-free (lf)
Please cite the following papers if you find this repository useful:
Christina Giannoula, Ivan Fernandez, Juan Gómez-Luna, Nectarios Koziris, Georgios Goumas, and Onur Mutlu, "SparseP: Towards Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Systems", arXiv:2201.05072 [cs.AR], 2022.
Bibtex entries for citation:
author={Christina Giannoula and Ivan Fernandez and Juan Gómez-Luna and Nectarios Koziris and Georgios Goumas and Onur Mutlu},
title={SparseP: Towards Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Architectures},
year = {2022},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
volume = {6},
number = {1},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3508041},
journal = {Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst.},
articleno = {21},
title={SparseP: Towards Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Systems},
author={Christina Giannoula and Ivan Fernandez and Juan Gómez-Luna and Nectarios Koziris and Georgios Goumas and Onur Mutlu},
We point out next the repository structure and some important folders and files.
The "spmv" directory includes all the 1D- and 2D-partitioned SpMV kernels of SparseP software package, i.e., 9 1D-partitioned and 16 2D-partitioned SpMV kernels.
The "inputs" directory includes a bash script to download matrix files (in mtx format) from the Suite Sparse Matrix Collection.
The "scripts" directory includes python3 scripts to run experiments for the 1D- and 2D-partitioned SparseP kernels.
+-- images/
+-- inputs/
+-- scripts/
| +-- run_1DPU/
| +-- run_1D/
| +-- run_2D/
+-- spmv/
| +-- 1D/
| | +-- CSR-row/
| | +-- CSR-nnz/
| | +-- COO-row/
| | +-- COO-nnz-rgrn/
| | +-- COO-nnz/
| | +-- BCSR-block/
| | +-- BCSR-nnz/
| | +-- BCOO-block/
| | +-- BCOO-nnz/
| +-- 2D/
| | +-- DCSR/
| | +-- DCOO/
| | +-- DBCSR/
| | +-- DBCOO/
| | +-- RBDCSR/
| | +-- RBDCOO/
| | +-- RBDBCSR-block/
| | +-- RBDBCSR-nnz/
| | +-- RBDBCOO-block/
| | +-- RBDBCOO-nnz/
| | +-- BDCSR/
| | +-- BDCOO/
| | +-- BDBCSR-block/
| | +-- BDBCSR-nnz/
| | +-- BDBCOO-block/
| | +-- BDBCOO-nnz/
The following table summarizes the SpMV PIM kernels provided by the SparseP software package.
Running SparseP requires installing the UPMEM SDK. The SparseP SpMV kernels are designed to run on a server with real UPMEM modules, but they also run on the functional simulator included in the UPMEM SDK.
git clone
cd SparseP
cd inputs
cd scripts/run_1DPU
## FIXME input_path="/path/to/matrices"
## To use this script, update the path to the input matrix files
cd scripts/run_1D
## FIXME input_path="/path/to/matrices"
## To use this script, update the path to the input matrix files
cd scripts/run_2D
## FIXME input_path="/path/to/matrices"
## To use this script, update the path to the input matrix files
Inside each SpMV kernel, one can compile and run each SpMV kernel with different configurations. Every Makefile accepts several input parameters:
cd spmv/1D/CSR-row
# Compile the CSR-row kernel for 32 DPUs, 16 tasklets (i.e., software threads) per DPU and the 32-bit integer data type
For help instructions:
# Input parameters
./bin/spmv_host -h
Run the SpMV kernel:
# Run the SpMV kernel
./bin/spmv_host -f /path/to/input/matrix/file.mtx
For any suggestions for improvement, any issues related to the SparseP SpMV kernels or for reporting bugs, please contact Christina Giannoula at christina.giann<at>