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MOFS: Multimodality Fusion Subtyping logo

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The MOFS (Multimodality Fusion Subtyping) framework is a comprehensive approach for integrating and analyzing multi-layer biological data to achieve clinically relevant disease subtype classification. The core principle of MOFS lies in combining diverse biological modalities—such as genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, histopathological, and radiological data—into a unified analytical framework. By integrating these heterogeneous data sources, MOFS offers a more holistic and nuanced view of disease biology, enabling the identification of underlying patterns that might be overlooked in single-modality analyses.

Integrating multimodal data reveals causal features that may be obscured in single-modality analyses, offering a more complete understanding of diseases. Multimodal data fusion can be categorized into early, intermediate, and late fusion based on the timing of integration. Intermediate fusion integrates data during clustering, allowing for the identification of multimodal joint clusters, capturing dependencies between different omics layers, and revealing underlying biological mechanisms. Intermediate fusion is generally considered more advanced than both early and late fusion, but it demands more sophisticated integration algorithms.

In the MOFS framework, multiple intermediate fusion strategies are employed based on diverse principles to maximize the interpretative power and reliability of the derived subtypes. Following this, late fusion is applied to combine the results obtained from the different algorithms, culminating in a final, consensus-driven clustering outcome. It is important to note that the framework does not rely on any specific intermediate fusion algorithm. Rather, it evaluates the overall consensus from multiple clustering results, ensuring robustness and reliability.

The MOFS framework represents a powerful tool for disease subtype classification by integrating multiple biological data modalities. Through the integration of intermediate fusion and late fusion strategies, MOFS uncovers novel disease subtypes and mechanisms that may be missed in single-modality approaches. This integrated approach not only enhances the accuracy and robustness of disease classification but also provides deeper insights into disease biology, potentially guiding more personalized diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

MOFSR tool is designed for multimodal data fusion and analysis

Feature Selection and Evaluation

  1. Statistical Metrics for Feature Evaluation: The package provides several functions for calculating statistical metrics on data frames, which can be used to evaluate features. MAD.df calculates the median absolute deviation for each column in a data frame, SD.df calculates the standard deviation, CV calculates the coefficient of variation for a numeric vector, and CV.df calculates the coefficient of variation for each column in a data frame. These metrics can be used to assess the variability and distribution of features, which can be helpful in feature selection, especially when selecting hypervariable features. For example, in the Select.Features function, these statistical measures could potentially be used to identify features with high variance (e.g., based on standard deviation or coefficient of variation) or other characteristics relevant to the specific feature selection criteria. This allows for a more informed selection of features within a single modality or across multiple modalities, contributing to the overall goal of identifying the most relevant and informative features for further analysis, such as clustering or classification tasks within the MOFS framework.
  2. Optimal Feature Combination: The Find.OptClusterFeatures plays a crucial role in this aspect. It aims to identify the most suitable combination of features for multi-modality clustering analysis. By integrating diverse modalities (such as mutation, CNV, RNA, protein, pathology, radiology), it explores the optimal number of clusters. This function utilizes Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for cluster consistency analysis and Multi-block Principal Component Analysis (mbPCA) for assessing cluster separation. The combination of these methods not only helps in discerning distinct biological subgroups but also evaluates the stability and biological relevance of the clustering. In the process, it calculates metrics like the CPI (Cluster Performance Index) and GAP (Gap statistic) scores for all tested feature combinations and cluster numbers. The CPI and GAP scores provide quantitative measures to evaluate the quality of clustering solutions. A higher CPI or GAP score indicates a better clustering performance, and thus, the function returns a list containing the optimal feature combination along with the associated clustering score (including CPI and GAP scores) and all the results of the tested combinations, enabling users to make informed decisions about the feature selection.

Multimodal Data Integration and Analysis

  1. Clustering Algorithm Integration: It offers a variety of clustering algorithms, such as Consensus Iterative Multi-view Learning (CIMLR), Consensus Principal Component Analysis (CPCA), Integrative Non-negative Matrix Factorization (IntNMF), Low-Rank Approximation Clustering (LRAcluster), Multiple Co-Inertia Analysis (MCIA), Multimodality Fusion Subtyping (MOFS), NEMO, PINSPlus, Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis (RGCCA), Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis (SGCCA), Similarity Network Fusion (SNF), etc. These algorithms are used to integrate different modalities of data, like RNA, protein, genomic data, to identify shared patterns and structures in the data, thereby discovering potential disease subtypes or biological mechanisms.
  2. Comprehensive Evaluation of Multiple Algorithms: The MOFS framework employs multiple intermediate fusion strategies and then uses late fusion to combine the results of different algorithms, ultimately obtaining a consensus-driven clustering result.

Cluster Quality Evaluation

  1. Calinski-Harabasz Index with CalCHI: The CalCHI function calculates the Calinski-Harabasz index for hierarchical clustering. It assesses cluster quality by comparing between-cluster and within-cluster dispersion. Higher values suggest better-defined clusters. It takes a clustering result and optional distance matrix, returning index values for different cluster numbers to help find the optimal number.
  2. PAC Calculation via CalPAC: CalPAC calculates the Proportion of Ambiguous Clustering (PAC) for consensus clustering. A lower PAC indicates a more stable clustering solution. It uses consensus results and related parameters, returning PAC values for different cluster numbers.
  3. PCA Analysis by RunPCA: RunPCA performs PCA on data. It helps visualize sample relationships in reduced dimensions, revealing data structure and patterns. Using the FactoMineR package, it provides insights and can assist in understanding clusters.
  4. Silhouette Coefficient: The silhouette coefficient could be used to measure how well each data point lies within its cluster compared to other clusters. It provides a value between -1 and 1, where a higher value indicates better clustering. This metric can help evaluate the compactness and separation of clusters, complementing the other cluster quality evaluation methods.

Classification Prediction Function

  1. Support for Multiple Classifiers: It includes a variety of classifiers, such as AdaBoost, Decision Tree (DT), Elastic Net (Enet), Enrichment-based Neural Network (Enrichment), Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT), k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), LASSO, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Naive Bayes (NBayes), Neural Network (NNet), PCA-based Neural Network (PCA), Random Forest (RF), Ridge Regression (Ridge), Stepwise Logistic Regression (StepLR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), XGBoost, etc. These classifiers can be used to predict cluster assignments for test data (single-modality data) based on trained models (single-modality data) and cluster markers.
  2. Ensemble Learning: The RunEnsemble function runs an ensemble of different classification models, considering the consensus among the models, and can also perform survival analysis to filter models based on trends in clinical outcomes, providing more comprehensive and accurate prediction results.

Functional Enrichment

  1. Gene Set Variation Analysis with RunGSVA: The RunGSVA function estimates gene-set enrichment scores across samples. It offers methods like "gsva" for detecting subtle pathway activity changes, "ssgsea" for individual sample analysis, "zscore", and "plage". With parameters for expression data, gene sets, and method-specific options, it returns a gene-set by sample matrix of enrichment scores. This enables analysis of differentially enriched gene sets between groups, providing insights into perturbed biological functions and pathways.
  2. Single-Sample Pathway Activity Analysis using ssMwwGST: The ssMwwGST function performs single-sample pathway activity analysis via the MWW-GST method. It calculates gene means and standard deviations, normalizes expression, assesses pathway enrichment, and corrects p-values. Taking gene expression data and gene sets as inputs, it returns matrices of NES, p-values, and FDR-adjusted p-values. These results help prioritize biologically relevant pathways, aiding in understanding underlying mechanisms and functions related to phenotypes or conditions.


if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
devtools::install_github('Zaoqu-Liu/MOFS', subdir = 'MOFSR')

Multi-Modality Feature Selection

This R script performs multi-modality clustering by integrating diverse biological data types, such as mutation, CNV, RNA and protein expression, pathology, and radiology. Its main goal is to determine the optimal number of clusters in a multi-modality dataset using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). These approaches are effective in identifying distinct biological subgroups within complex datasets, aiding in the understanding of disease mechanisms and discovery of new therapeutic targets.

The script combines different feature subset sizes for each modality, iteratively evaluating the clustering performance. Two metrics are used to assess clustering quality: Cluster Prediction Index (CPI) and GAP statistic. CPI, calculated using the IntNMF package, measures the stability of clustering by quantifying how consistently features and samples group across multiple iterations. Higher CPI values indicate more stable and robust clustering solutions. GAP statistic, calculated using the mogsa package, helps identify the optimal number of clusters by comparing the dispersion of the actual dataset with that of a random reference dataset. The peak value of the GAP statistic indicates the most meaningful clustering structure.

Feature selection is done using Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) to rank features by variability, with higher MAD values suggesting greater potential for cluster differentiation. The script employs parallel computing with the future.apply package to accelerate the analysis, considering numerous combinations of feature subset sizes and cluster numbers.

# A list of multi-modality datasets
data_list <- list(
  mutation,  # Mutation data (placeholder)
  cnv,       # Copy Number Variation data (placeholder)
  rna,       # RNA expression data
  protein,   # Protein expression data
  pathology, # Pathology data
  radiology  # Radiology imaging data

# Create a dataframe of all possible combinations of feature subset sizes for modality data
mrna_size <- seq(3000, 8000, 500)  # Sequence of mRNA feature subset sizes to be tested
protein_size <- seq(500, 2000, 500)  # Sequence of protein feature subset sizes to be tested
pathology_size <- seq(200, 600, 200)  # Sequence of pathology feature subset sizes to be tested
radiology_size <- seq(500, 2000, 500)  # Sequence of radiology feature subset sizes to be tested
feature_combinations <- expand.grid(mrna_size, protein_size, pathology_size, radiology_size)  # Create all possible combinations

# Calculate variance of each feature to determine their significance
# Use Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) to rank features for each data type
rna_data <- data_list$rna
mRNA_ID <- names(sort(apply(rna_data, 1, mad), decreasing = TRUE))  # Rank RNA features by MAD

protein_data <- data_list$protein
Protein_ID <- names(sort(apply(protein_data, 1, mad), decreasing = TRUE))  # Rank protein features by MAD

pathology_data <- data_list$pathology
Pathology_ID <- names(sort(apply(pathology_data, 1, mad), decreasing = TRUE))  # Rank pathology features by MAD

radiology_data <- data_list$radiology
Radiology_ID <- names(sort(apply(radiology_data, 1, mad), decreasing = TRUE))  # Rank radiology features by MAD

# Set up parallel computing
plan('multisession')  # Use multiple sessions for parallel computing

# Define the range of cluster numbers to be tested
try_num_clusters <- 2:6  # Range of clusters to try during clustering

# Loop over each row of the feature combination dataframe using parallel execution
results <- future_lapply(1:nrow(feature_combinations), function(row_n) {
  Sys.sleep(0.01)  # Short pause to simulate progress
  progress(row_n, nrow(feature_combinations))  # Show progress
  # Extract feature subset sizes for the current row
  subset_sizes <- as.numeric(feature_combinations[row_n, ])
  # Create a working copy of the data
  working_data <- data_list
  working_data$rna <- working_data$rna[mRNA_ID[1:subset_sizes[1]], ]  # Subset RNA data based on top-ranked features
  working_data$protein <- working_data$protein[Protein_ID[1:subset_sizes[2]], ]  # Subset protein data based on top-ranked features
  working_data$pathology <- working_data$pathology[Pathology_ID[1:subset_sizes[3]], ]  # Subset pathology data based on top-ranked features
  working_data$radiology <- working_data$radiology[Radiology_ID[1:subset_sizes[4]], ]  # Subset radiology data based on top-ranked features
  # Normalize each data type
  normalized_data <- lapply(working_data, function(dataset) {
    if (!all(dataset >= 0)) {
      dataset <- pmax(dataset + abs(min(dataset)), 0) + .Machine$double.eps  # Ensure non-negativity by shifting values
    dataset <- dataset / max(dataset)  # Scale to max value of 1
  # Transpose data to have features in columns (necessary for downstream analysis)
  normalized_data <- lapply(normalized_data, function(x) t(x) + .Machine$double.eps)
  # Perform optimal cluster number selection using NMF
  # CPI (Cluster Prediction Index) quantifies the consistency of clustering results across multiple iterations
  # CPI is calculated by evaluating the stability of clustering memberships across resampled data subsets
  opt_k_nmf <- IntNMF::nmf.opt.k(
    dat = normalized_data,        # Input data
    n.runs = 5,                   # Number of times NMF should run for each cluster number
    n.fold = 5,                   # Number of folds for cross-validation
    k.range = try_num_clusters,   # Range of clusters to try
    result = TRUE,                # Show results
    make.plot = FALSE,            # Do not plot intermediate results
    maxiter = 1000,               # Maximum number of iterations
    st.count = 10,                # Stop count threshold
    progress = FALSE              # Disable internal progress
  cpi_df <-  # Convert the result to a dataframe
  cpi_df$mean <- rowMeans(cpi_df)     # Calculate mean CPI across iterations (higher CPI indicates better clustering consistency)
  # Perform multi-block PCA (mbPCA) for integration analysis
  # mbPCA is used to extract global components that summarize the shared variation across different modality datasets
  mbpca_result <- mogsa::mbpca(
    x = working_data,              # Input multi-modality data
    ncomp = 3,                     # Number of principal components to compute
    k = 0.5,                       # Proportion of variables to include
    method = "globalScore",       # Integration scoring method
    option = "uniform",           # Standardize across datasets
    center = TRUE,                 # Center data
    scale = TRUE,                  # Scale data
    moa = TRUE,                    # Return as moa object
    svd.solver = "fast",          # Use fast SVD solver
    maxiter = 1000,                # Maximum number of iterations
    verbose = FALSE                # Suppress output
  # Perform clustering gap analysis using hierarchical clustering
  # GAP statistic measures the robustness of clustering by comparing intra-cluster dispersion to that of a reference distribution
  # The GAP statistic helps to determine the optimal number of clusters by identifying the point where the GAP value reaches its maximum
  gap_analysis <- mogsa::moGap(mbpca_result, K.max = max(try_num_clusters), cluster = "hclust", plot = FALSE)
  gap_df <-$Tab)[-1, ]
  # Collect results for the current combination
  tmp <- data.frame(
    mRNA_num = subset_sizes[1],  # Number of RNA features used
    Protein_num = subset_sizes[2],  # Number of protein features used
    Pathology_num = subset_sizes[3],  # Number of pathology features used
    Radiology_num = subset_sizes[4],  # Number of radiology features used
    K = try_num_clusters,  # Number of clusters tested
    CPI = cpi_df$mean,  # Mean CPI value
    GAP = gap_df$gap  # GAP statistic value for cluster separation

# Combine results from all iterations into one dataframe
combined_results <- Reduce(rbind, results)
# Calculate a combined score (sum of CPI and GAP)
# Higher score indicates better clustering consistency and separation
combined_results$score <- combined_results$CPI + combined_results$GAP

Multi-Modality Clustering

This R script performs clustering on a multi-omics dataset using various clustering algorithms and methods, allowing for the exploration of the optimal number of clusters. The analysis employs both intermediate fusion and late-stage fusion approaches to achieve robust clustering results. The intermediate fusion strategy involves combining information across different omics types before running clustering algorithms, whereas the late-stage fusion approach clusters individual data types first and then combines their results. Each approach offers distinct advantages, such as improved interpretability and robustness in detecting cluster-specific features.

The initial steps involve using a variety of clustering algorithms on the multi-omics data. Then, an intermediate fusion approach is applied, allowing the fusion of different data types before applying clustering methods. This fusion approach allows for better integration and consistent interpretation of complex biological data. Afterward, the Jaccard distance is calculated for clustering consensus analysis, followed by consensus clustering (COCA) to derive the final clustering solution.

The script further evaluates the clustering performance using silhouette scores, PCA visualization, and clustering metrics such as the Proportion of Ambiguous Clustering (PAC) score and Calinski-Harabasz index (CHI). The final result is stored in a list, which contains all intermediate and final clustering outcomes, providing a comprehensive summary of the multi-omics clustering process.

# Initialize an empty list to store the clustering results
# This part runs multiple clustering algorithms separately, storing results for each
res <- list()
res[['CPCA']] <- RunCPCA(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run CPCA clustering
res[['CIMLR']] <- RunCIMLR(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run CIMLR clustering
res[['iClusterBayes']] <- RuniClusterBayes(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run iClusterBayes clustering
res[['IntNMF']] <- RunIntNMF(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run IntNMF clustering
res[['LRAcluster']] <- RunLRAcluster(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run LRAcluster clustering
res[['MCIA']] <- RunMCIA(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run MCIA clustering
res[['NEMO']] <- RunNEMO(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run NEMO clustering
res[['PINSPlus']] <- RunPINSPlus(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run PINSPlus clustering
res[['RGCCA']] <- RunRGCCA(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run RGCCA clustering
res[['SGCCA']] <- RunSGCCA(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run SGCCA clustering
res[['SNF']] <- RunSNF(data_list, cluster_num)  # Run SNF clustering

Alternatively, you can use an intermediate fusion step by using RunIF

# This allows specifying a method in the 'RunIF' function
res <- list()
res[['CPCA']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'CPCA', cluster_num)  # Run CPCA with intermediate fusion
res[['CIMLR']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'CIMLR', cluster_num)  # Run CIMLR with intermediate fusion
res[['iClusterBayes']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'iClusterBayes', cluster_num)  # Run iClusterBayes with intermediate fusion
res[['IntNMF']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'IntNMF', cluster_num)  # Run IntNMF with intermediate fusion
res[['LRAcluster']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'LRAcluster', cluster_num)  # Run LRAcluster with intermediate fusion
res[['MCIA']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'MCIA', cluster_num)  # Run MCIA with intermediate fusion
res[['NEMO']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'NEMO', cluster_num)  # Run NEMO with intermediate fusion
res[['PINSPlus']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'PINSPlus', cluster_num)  # Run PINSPlus with intermediate fusion
res[['RGCCA']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'RGCCA', cluster_num)  # Run RGCCA with intermediate fusion
res[['SGCCA']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'SGCCA', cluster_num)  # Run SGCCA with intermediate fusion
res[['SNF']] <- RunIF(data = data_list, method = 'SNF', cluster_num)  # Run SNF with intermediate fusion
# Compute binary cluster membership matrix and Jaccard distance
bm <- get.binary.clusters(res)  # Obtain binary cluster membership matrix from results
sm <- get.Jaccard.Distance(bm)  # Calculate Jaccard distance based on the membership matrix

# Run consensus clustering (COCA) on the Jaccard distance matrix
coca_res <- RunCOCA(jaccard.matrix = sm,  # Input Jaccard distance matrix
                    max.clusters = 6,  # Maximum number of clusters to consider
                    linkage.method = "ward.D2",  # Linkage method for hierarchical clustering
                    clustering.algorithm = 'pam',  # Clustering algorithm to use
                    distance.metric = "euclidean",  # Distance metric to use for clustering
                    resampling.iterations = 10000,  # Number of iterations for resampling
                    resample.proportion = 0.7)  # Proportion of samples to resample in each iteration

# Calculate cluster metrics for evaluating clustering performance
PAC <- CalPAC(coca_res$fit)  # Calculate Proportion of Ambiguous Clustering (PAC) score
CHI <- CalCHI(hclust(as.dist(sm), method = "average"), max_clusters = 6)  # Calculate Calinski-Harabasz index for cluster evaluation

# Calculate consensus matrix and silhouette score
consMatrix <- 1 - coca_res$optimal$consensusMatrix  # Calculate consensus matrix (1 - optimal consensus matrix from COCA)
rownames(consMatrix) <- colnames(consMatrix) <- colnames(sm)  # Set row and column names for the consensus matrix
consMatrix <- as.dist(consMatrix)  # Convert consensus matrix to distance matrix format
tmp <- coca_res$Cluster$Cluster  # Extract cluster assignments from COCA results
names(tmp) <- colnames(sm)  # Set cluster assignment names to sample names
aSil <- cluster::silhouette(x = tmp, dist = consMatrix)  # Calculate silhouette scores for each sample

# Plot silhouette scores
plot(aSil, col = c('red','blue','yellow'), main = '')  # Plot silhouette scores with specific colors
abline(v = 0.5)  # Add a vertical line at silhouette score of 0.5 to indicate threshold

# Identify core samples based on silhouette scores
colnames(sm)[aSil[, 3] < 0.4]  # Identify samples with silhouette scores less than 0.4 (not well-clustered)
core_set <- colnames(sm)[aSil[, 3] >= 0.4]  # Define core set as samples with silhouette scores greater or equal to 0.4
sm_core <- sm[core_set, core_set]  # Subset Jaccard distance matrix for core samples

# Extract cluster assignment for the core set
cluster <- get.class(coca_res$fit, 3)  # Get class assignments from COCA results for 3 clusters
cluster <- cluster[match(core_set, cluster$ID), ]  # Match cluster assignment to core set

# Run PCA on the core similarity matrix
ddb.pca <- RunPCA(sm_core)  # Perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on core Jaccard similarity matrix

# Visualize PCA results
  X = ddb.pca,  # Input PCA result
  geom.ind = "point",  # Use point geometry for individuals
  pointshape = 21,  # Set point shape
  fill.ind = cluster$Cluster,  # Fill points based on cluster assignment
  palette = "npg",  # Use a color palette
  alpha.ind = 0.7,  # Set point transparency
  addEllipses = TRUE  # Add ellipses for each cluster
) +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))  # Set classic theme and center the title

# Store all the results in a list and save to a file
allres <- list(All_Cluster = resm,  # All cluster results
               JaccardDis = sm,  # Jaccard distance matrix
               coca_res = coca_res,  # Consensus clustering results
               Silhouette = aSil,  # Silhouette scores
               Core_set = core_set,  # Core set of well-clustered samples
               PCA = ddb.pca,  # PCA results
               PAC = PAC,  # PAC score
               Calinsky = aCalinsky)  # Calinski-Harabasz index

Alternatively, you can use the RunMOFS function to get all the above results directly

allres <- RunMOFS(data = data_list,  # Input multi-modality dataset
                  methods = c("CPCA", "iClusterBayes", "IntNMF", "LRAcluster", "MCIA", "NEMO", "PINSPlus", "RGCCA", "SGCCA", "SNF", "CIMLR"),  # Methods to run
                  max.clusters = 6,  # Maximum number of clusters to consider
                  linkage.method = "ward.D2",  # Linkage method for clustering
                  clustering.algorithm = "pam",  # Clustering algorithm to use
                  distance.metric = "euclidean",  # Distance metric to use
                  resampling.iterations = 10000,  # Number of resampling iterations
                  resample.proportion = 0.7,  # Proportion of samples to resample
                  silhouette.cutoff = 0.4)  # Silhouette cutoff value for core sample selection

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e1071 Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, Probability
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httr Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP 1.4.7 MIT + file LICENSE
registry Infrastructure for R Package Registries 0.5-1 GPL-2
CoGAPS Coordinated Gene Activity in Pattern Sets 3.25.2 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
BiocParallel Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation 1.38.0 GPL-2 | GPL-3
prettyunits Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities 1.2.0 MIT + file LICENSE
mlr3cluster Cluster Extension for 'mlr3' 0.1.10 LGPL-3
yulab.utils Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'YuLab-SMU' 0.1.4 Artistic-2.0
ggplotify Convert Plot to 'grob' or 'ggplot' Object 0.1.2 Artistic-2.0
sparseMatrixStats Summary Statistics for Rows and Columns of Sparse Matrices 1.16.0 MIT + file LICENSE
spatstat.geom Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family 3.3-2 GPL (>= 2)
survMisc Miscellaneous Functions for Survival Data 0.5.6 GPL-2
pillar Coloured Formatting for Columns 1.9.0 MIT + file LICENSE
Rgraphviz Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects 2.48.0 EPL
R6 Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics 2.5.1 MIT + file LICENSE
mime Map Filenames to MIME Types 0.12 GPL
reticulate Interface to 'Python' 1.37.0 Apache License 2.0
uwot The Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) Method
for Dimensionality Reduction 0.2.2 GPL (>= 3)
gridtext Improved Text Rendering Support for 'Grid' Graphics 0.1.5 MIT + file LICENSE
Rttf2pt1 'ttf2pt1' Program 1.3.12 file LICENSE
viridis Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R 0.6.5 MIT + file LICENSE
genekitr Gene Analysis Toolkit 1.2.5 GPL-3
Rhdf5lib hdf5 library as an R package 1.26.0 Artistic-2.0
dorothea Collection Of Human And Mouse TF Regulons 1.16.0 GPL-3 + file LICENSE
Hmisc Harrell Miscellaneous 5.1-2 GPL (>= 2)
fpc Flexible Procedures for Clustering 2.2-13 GPL
KMsurv Data sets from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival Analysis 0.1-5 GPL (>= 3)
parallelly Enhancing the 'parallel' Package 1.37.1 LGPL (>= 2.1)
SpatialExperiment S4 Class for Spatially Resolved -omics Data 1.14.0 GPL-3
GlobalOptions Generate Functions to Get or Set Global Options 0.1.2 MIT + file LICENSE
caTools Tools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc 1.18.2 GPL-3
FNN Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications 1.1.4 GPL (>= 2)
polyclip Polygon Clipping 1.10-6 BSL
NMF Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
(NMF) GPL (>=2)
beachmat Compiling Bioconductor to Handle Each Matrix Type 2.20.0 GPL-3
htmltools Tools for HTML GPL (>= 2)
fansi ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions 1.0.6 GPL-2 | GPL-3
remotes R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including
'GitHub' 2.5.0 MIT + file LICENSE
commonmark High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R 1.9.1 BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
ggrepel Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with
'ggplot2' 0.9.5 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
car Companion to Applied Regression 3.1-2 GPL (>= 2)
fgsea Fast Gene Set Enrichment Analysis 1.30.0 MIT + file LICENCE
spatstat.utils Utility Functions for 'spatstat' 3.1-0 GPL (>= 2)
HDO.db A set of annotation maps describing the entire Human Disease
Ontology 0.99.1 Artistic-2.0
clusterProfiler A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data 4.13.0 Artistic-2.0
maps Draw Geographical Maps 3.4.2 GPL-2
scatterplot3d 3D Scatter Plot 0.3-44 GPL-2
mlr3learners Recommended Learners for 'mlr3' 0.8.0 LGPL-3
clue Cluster Ensembles 0.3-65 GPL-2
goftest Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions 1.2-3 GPL (>= 2)
fitdistrplus Help to Fit of a Parametric Distribution to Non-Censored or
Censored Data 1.2-1 GPL (>= 2)
scatterpie Scatter Pie Plot 0.2.2 Artistic-2.0
tidyselect Select from a Set of Strings 1.2.1 MIT + file LICENSE
scattermore Scatterplots with More Points 1.2 GPL (>= 3)
RSQLite SQLite Interface for R 2.3.6 LGPL (>= 2.1)
cowplot Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2' 1.1.3 GPL-2
GenomeInfoDbData Species and taxonomy ID look up tables used by GenomeInfoDb 1.2.12 Artistic-2.0
utf8 Unicode Text Processing 1.2.4 Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE
ScaledMatrix Creating a DelayedMatrix of Scaled and Centered Values 1.12.0 GPL-3
sessioninfo R Session Information 1.2.2 GPL-2 Datasets for 'spatstat' Family 3.1-2 GPL (>= 2)
gridExtra Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics 2.3 GPL (>= 2)
fs Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv' 1.6.4 MIT + file LICENSE
xgboost Extreme Gradient Boosting Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE
sctransform Variance Stabilizing Transformations for Single Cell UMI Data 0.4.1 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
future.apply Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures 1.11.2 GPL (>= 2)
ggVennDiagram A 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn Diagram 1.5.2 GPL-3
graph graph: A package to handle graph data structures 1.82.0 Artistic-2.0
ipred Improved Predictors 0.9-14 GPL (>= 2)
mlr3hyperband Hyperband for 'mlr3' 0.6.0 LGPL-3
uuid Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs 1.2-0 MIT + file LICENSE
bbotk Black-Box Optimization Toolkit 1.3.0 LGPL-3
BioEnricher Bioinformatics analysis and visualization pipeline 4.0.3 MIT + file LICENSE
Rtsne T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding using a Barnes-Hut
Implementation 0.17 file LICENSE
lazyeval Lazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation 0.2.2 GPL-3
sass Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass') 0.4.9 MIT + file LICENSE
scales Scale Functions for Visualization 1.3.0 MIT + file LICENSE
carData Companion to Applied Regression Data Sets 3.0-5 GPL (>= 2)
munsell Utilities for Using Munsell Colours 0.5.1 MIT + file LICENSE
lava Latent Variable Models 1.8.0 GPL-3
treeio Base Classes and Functions for Phylogenetic Tree Input and
Output 1.28.0 Artistic-2.0
profvis Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code 0.3.8 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
KEGGgraph KEGGgraph: A graph approach to KEGG PATHWAY in R and
Bioconductor 1.64.0 GPL (>= 2)
bitops Bitwise Operations 1.0-7 GPL (>= 2)
labeling Axis Labeling 0.4.3 MIT + file LICENSE | Unlimited
KEGGREST Client-side REST access to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and
Genomes (KEGG) 1.44.0 Artistic-2.0
promises Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming 1.3.0 MIT + file LICENSE
SCOPE Single Cell Omics Pipeline and Environment 1.0.0 GPL (>= 3)
shape Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors GPL (>= 3)
rhdf5filters HDF5 Compression Filters 1.16.0 BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
lgr A Fully Featured Logging Framework 0.4.4 MIT + file LICENSE
zoo S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's
Ordered Observations) 1.8-12 GPL-2 | GPL-3
GeneNMF Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Single-Cell Omics 0.6.2 GPL-3
GSVA Gene Set Variation Analysis for Microarray and RNA-Seq Data 1.52.0 GPL (>= 2)
fst Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames 0.9.8 AGPL-3 | file LICENSE
DelayedArray A unified framework for working transparently with on-disk and
in-memory array-like datasets 0.30.0 Artistic-2.0
RSpectra Solvers for Large-Scale Eigenvalue and SVD Problems 0.16-1 MPL (>= 2)
multcomp Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models 1.4-25 GPL-2
assertthat Easy Pre and Post Assertions 0.2.1 GPL-3
tools Tools for Package Development 4.4.0 Part of R 4.4.0
ape Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution 5.8 GPL-2 | GPL-3
shiny Web Application Framework for R GPL-3 | file LICENSE
SingleCellExperiment S4 Classes for Single Cell Data 1.26.0 GPL-3
mlr3filters Filter Based Feature Selection for 'mlr3' 0.8.1 LGPL-3
rlang Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features 1.1.3 MIT + file LICENSE
generics Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to
Model Fitting 0.1.3 MIT + file LICENSE
diceR Diverse Cluster Ensemble in R 2.2.0 MIT + file LICENSE
ggridges Ridgeline Plots in 'ggplot2' 0.5.6 GPL-2 | file LICENSE
BiocSingular Singular Value Decomposition for Bioconductor Packages 1.20.0 GPL-3
markdown Render Markdown with 'commonmark' 1.12 MIT + file LICENSE
extrafont Tools for Using Fonts 0.19 GPL-2
evaluate Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the
Default 0.23 MIT + file LICENSE
GenomeInfoDb Utilities for manipulating chromosome names, including modifying
them to follow a particular naming style 1.40.0 Artistic-2.0
fastcluster Fast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and 'Python' 1.2.6 FreeBSD | GPL-2 | file LICENSE
spacesXYZ CIE XYZ and some of Its Derived Color Spaces 1.3-0 GPL (>= 3)
reshape2 Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package 1.4.4 MIT + file LICENSE
devtools Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier 2.4.5 MIT + file LICENSE
bcellViper Human B-cell transcriptional interactome and normal human B-cell
expression data 1.40.0 GPL (>=2)
gelnet Generalized Elastic Nets 1.2.1 GPL (>= 3)
ConsRank Compute the Median Ranking(s) According to the Kemeny's
Axiomatic Approach 2.1.4 GPL-3
geneset Get Gene Sets for Gene Enrichment Analysis 0.2.7 GPL-3
colorspace A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes 2.1-0 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
limSolve Solving Linear Inverse Models GPL
ellipsis Tools for Working with ... 0.3.2 MIT + file LICENSE
data.table Extension of data.frame 1.15.4 MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE
withr Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State 3.0.0 MIT + file LICENSE
presto Fast Functions for Differential Expression using Wilcox and AUC 1.0.0 GPL-3
RCurl General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R 1.98-1.14 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
mlr3data Collection of Machine Learning Data Sets for 'mlr3' 0.9.0 LGPL-3
xtable Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML 1.8-4 GPL (>= 2)
plyr Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data 1.8.9 MIT + file LICENSE
paradox Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms 1.0.1 LGPL-3
aplot Decorate a 'ggplot' with Associated Information 0.2.2 Artistic-2.0
systemfonts System Native Font Finding 1.1.0 MIT + file LICENSE
MatrixModels Modelling with Sparse and Dense Matrices 0.5-3 GPL (>= 2)
ggvenn Draw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2' 0.1.10 MIT + file LICENSE
mclust Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering,
Classification, and Density Estimation 6.1.1 GPL (>= 2)
httpuv HTTP and WebSocket Server Library 1.6.15 GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
rmarkdown Dynamic Documents for R 2.27 GPL-3
robustbase Basic Robust Statistics 0.99-4 GPL (>= 2)
openxlsx Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files MIT + file LICENSE
broom Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles 1.0.6 MIT + file LICENSE
FactoMineR Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining 2.11 GPL (>= 2)
deldir Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation 2.0-4 GPL (>= 2)
GO.db A set of annotation maps describing the entire Gene Ontology 3.19.1 Artistic-2.0
sandwich Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators 3.1-0 GPL-2 | GPL-3
rhdf5 R Interface to HDF5 2.48.0 Artistic-2.0
tensor Tensor product of arrays 1.5 GPL (>= 2)
ragg Graphic Devices Based on AGG 1.3.2 MIT + file LICENSE
vctrs Vector Helpers 0.6.5 MIT + file LICENSE
lifecycle Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions 1.0.4 MIT + file LICENSE
codetools Code Analysis Tools for R 0.2-20 GPL
DT A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables' 0.33 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
mnormt The Multivariate Normal and t Distributions, and Their Truncated
Versions 2.1.1 GPL-2 | GPL-3
recipes Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling 1.0.10 MIT + file LICENSE
nlme Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models 3.1-164 GPL (>= 2)
mcmc Markov Chain Monte Carlo 0.9-8 MIT + file LICENSE
mlr3tuningspaces Search Spaces for 'mlr3' 0.5.1 LGPL-3
progress Terminal Progress Bars 1.2.3 MIT + file LICENSE
pkgload Simulate Package Installation and Attach 1.3.4 GPL-3
jquerylib Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object 0.1.4 MIT + file LICENSE
Rcpp Seamless R and C++ Integration 1.0.13 GPL (>= 2)
rstudioapi Safely Access the RStudio API 0.16.0 MIT + file LICENSE
stringi Fast and Portable Character String Processing Facilities 1.8.4 file LICENSE
pbapply Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions 1.7-2 GPL (>= 2)
hms Pretty Time of Day 1.1.3 MIT + file LICENSE
cachem Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning 1.1.0 MIT + file LICENSE
mlr3mbo Flexible Bayesian Optimization 0.2.7 LGPL-3
pROC Display and Analyze ROC Curves 1.18.5 GPL (>= 3)
BiocManager Access the Bioconductor Project Package Repository 1.30.23 Artistic-2.0
tidytree A Tidy Tool for Phylogenetic Tree Data Manipulation 0.4.6 Artistic-2.0
listenv Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists 0.9.1 LGPL (>= 2.1)
XVector Foundation of external vector representation and manipulation in
Bioconductor 0.44.0 Artistic-2.0
plotly Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js' 4.10.4 MIT + file LICENSE
urlchecker Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions 1.0.1 GPL-3
WGCNA Weighted Correlation Network Analysis 1.72-5 GPL (>= 2)
ggtree an R package for visualization of tree and annotation data 3.12.0 Artistic-2.0
enrichplot Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result 1.24.0 Artistic-2.0
GetoptLong Parsing Command-Line Arguments and Simple Variable Interpolation 1.0.5 MIT + file LICENSE
pkgbuild Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages 1.4.4 MIT + file LICENSE
palmerpenguins Palmer Archipelago (Antarctica) Penguin Data 0.1.1 CC0
ggfun Miscellaneous Functions for 'ggplot2' 0.1.4 Artistic-2.0
HDF5Array HDF5 backend for DelayedArray objects 1.32.0 Artistic-2.0
ggsci Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color Palettes for
'ggplot2' 3.1.0 GPL (>= 3)
SparseArray High-performance sparse data representation and manipulation in
R 1.4.1 Artistic-2.0
htmlwidgets HTML Widgets for R 1.6.4 MIT + file LICENSE
kernlab Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab 0.9-32 GPL-2
Formula Extended Model Formulas 1.2-5 GPL-2 | GPL-3
prabclus Functions for Clustering and Testing of Presence-Absence,
Abundance and Multilocus Genetic Data 2.3-4 GPL
leaps Regression Subset Selection 3.1 GPL (>= 2)
dendextend Extending 'dendrogram' Functionality in R 1.17.1 GPL-2 | GPL-3
class Functions for Classification 7.3-22 GPL-2 | GPL-3
memoise 'Memoisation' of Functions 2.0.1 MIT + file LICENSE
crayon Colored Terminal Output 1.5.2 MIT + file LICENSE
gridGraphics Redraw Base Graphics Using 'grid' Graphics 0.5-1 GPL (>= 2)
Seurat Tools for Single Cell Genomics 4.4.0 MIT + file LICENSE
mlr3pipelines Preprocessing Operators and Pipelines for 'mlr3' 0.7.1 LGPL-3
S4Arrays Foundation of array-like containers in Bioconductor 1.4.0 Artistic-2.0
xml2 Parse XML 1.3.6 MIT + file LICENSE
preprocessCore A collection of pre-processing functions 1.66.0 LGPL (>= 2)
GOSemSim GO-terms Semantic Similarity Measures 2.30.0 Artistic-2.0
flexmix Flexible Mixture Modeling 2.3-19 GPL (>= 2)
ggtext Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2' 0.1.2 GPL-2
UCSC.utils Low-level utilities to retrieve data from the UCSC Genome
Browser 1.0.0 Artistic-2.0
png Read and write PNG images 0.1-8 GPL-2 | GPL-3
progressr An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates 0.14.0 GPL (>= 3)
tzdb Time Zone Database Information 0.4.0 MIT + file LICENSE
emmeans Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means 1.10.2 GPL-2 | GPL-3
fastmap Fast Data Structures 1.2.0 MIT + file LICENSE
GSEABase Gene set enrichment data structures and methods 1.66.0 Artistic-2.0
tidygraph A Tidy API for Graph Manipulation 1.3.1 MIT + file LICENSE
flashClust Implementation of optimal hierarchical clustering 1.01-2 GPL (>= 2)
pkgconfig Private Configuration for 'R' Packages 2.0.3 MIT + file LICENSE
cli Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces 3.6.2 MIT + file LICENSE
DOSE Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis 3.30.1 Artistic-2.0
ggforce Accelerating 'ggplot2' 0.4.2 MIT + file LICENSE
europepmc R Interface to the Europe PubMed Central RESTful Web Service 0.4.3 GPL-3
prodlim Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis 2023.08.28 GPL (>= 2)
pathview a tool set for pathway based data integration and visualization 1.44.0 GPL (>=3.0)
ggsignif Significance Brackets for 'ggplot2' 0.6.4 GPL-3 | file LICENSE
gridBase Integration of base and grid graphics 0.4-7 GPL
rlist A Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation MIT + file LICENSE
SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment container 1.34.0 Artistic-2.0
ggalluvial Alluvial Plots in 'ggplot2' 0.12.5 GPL-3
lmtest Testing Linear Regression Models 0.9-40 GPL-2 | GPL-3
textshaping Bindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' Libraries for Text
Shaping 0.3.7 MIT + file LICENSE
RcppAnnoy 'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Annoy', a Library for Approximate Nearest
Neighbors 0.0.22 GPL (>= 2)
usethis Automate Package and Project Setup 2.2.3 MIT + file LICENSE
multcompView Visualizations of Paired Comparisons 0.1-10 GPL
DEoptimR Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R 1.1-3 GPL (>= 2)
timechange Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times 0.3.0 GPL (>= 3)
foreign Read Data Stored by 'Minitab', 'S', 'SAS', 'SPSS', 'Stata',
'Systat', 'Weka', 'dBase', ... 0.8-86 GPL (>= 2)
timeDate Rmetrics - Chronological and Calendar Objects 4032.109 GPL (>= 2)
splines Regression Spline Functions and Classes 4.4.0 Part of R 4.4.0
mlr3viz Visualizations for 'mlr3' 0.10.0 LGPL-3
askpass Password Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH 1.2.0 MIT + file LICENSE
blob A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data
('BLOBS') 1.2.4 MIT + file LICENSE
impute impute: Imputation for microarray data 1.78.0 GPL-2
annotate Annotation for microarrays 1.82.0 Artistic-2.0
XML Tools for Parsing and Generating XML Within R and S-Plus 3.99-0.16.1 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
network Classes for Relational Data 1.18.2 GPL (>= 2)
globals Identify Global Objects in R Expressions 0.16.3 LGPL (>= 2.1)
knitr A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R 1.46 GPL
ica Independent Component Analysis 1.0-3 GPL (>= 2)
stats4 Statistical Functions using S4 Classes 4.4.0 Part of R 4.4.0
compiler The R Compiler Package 4.4.0 Part of R 4.4.0
rjson JSON for R 0.2.21 GPL-2
triebeard 'Radix' Trees in 'Rcpp' 0.4.1 MIT + file LICENSE
DNAcopy DNA Copy Number Data Analysis 1.78.0 GPL (>= 2)
pkgmaker Development Utilities for R Packages 0.32.8 GPL (>=2)
mlr3fselect Feature Selection for 'mlr3' 1.2.1 LGPL-3
extrafontdb Package for holding the database for the extrafont package 1.0 GPL-2
bit Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections 4.0.5 GPL-2 | GPL-3
RcppML Rcpp Machine Learning Library 0.3.7 GPL (>= 2)
diptest Hartigan's Dip Test Statistic for Unimodality - Corrected 0.77-1 GPL (>= 2)
BiocNeighbors Nearest Neighbor Detection for Bioconductor Packages 1.20.2 GPL-3
lsa Latent Semantic Analysis 0.73.3 GPL (>= 2)
glue Interpreted String Literals 1.7.0 MIT + file LICENSE
sp Classes and Methods for Spatial Data 2.1-4 GPL (>= 2)
estimability Tools for Assessing Estimability of Linear Predictions 1.5.1 GPL (>= 3)
mlr3tuning Hyperparameter Optimization for 'mlr3' 1.2.0 LGPL-3
ggnetwork Geometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2' 0.5.13 GPL-3
digest Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects 0.6.35 GPL (>= 2)
leiden R Implementation of Leiden Clustering Algorithm GPL-3 | file LICENSE
quadprog Functions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems 1.5-8 GPL (>= 2)
urltools Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing 1.7.3 MIT + file LICENSE
irlba Fast Truncated Singular Value Decomposition and Principal
Components Analysis for Large Dense and Sparse Matrices GPL-3
spacefillr Space-Filling Random and Quasi-Random Sequences 0.3.3 MIT + file LICENSE
graphlayouts Additional Layout Algorithms for Network Visualizations 1.1.1 MIT + file LICENSE
rgl 3D Visualization Using OpenGL 1.3.12 GPL
magick Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R 2.8.3 MIT + file LICENSE
GenomicRanges Representation and manipulation of genomic intervals 1.56.0 Artistic-2.0
mlr3misc Helper Functions for 'mlr3' 0.15.1 LGPL-3
spatstat.random Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family 3.3-1 GPL (>= 2)
SparseM Sparse Linear Algebra 1.81 GPL (>= 2)
zlibbioc An R packaged zlib-1.2.5 1.50.0 Artistic-2.0 + file LICENSE
tidydr Unify Dimensionality Reduction Results Artistic-2.0
dotCall64 Enhanced Foreign Function Interface Supporting Long Vectors 1.1-1 GPL (>= 2)
tweenr Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations 2.0.3 MIT + file LICENSE
CellChat Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication from
single-cell and spatially resolved transcriptomics data 2.1.2 GPL-3
ModelMetrics Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics GPL (>= 2)
microbenchmark Accurate Timing Functions 1.4.10 BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
ggraph An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks 2.2.1 MIT + file LICENSE
openssl Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on
OpenSSL 2.2.0 MIT + file LICENSE
rsvd Randomized Singular Value Decomposition 1.0.5 GPL (>= 3)
gson Base Class and Methods for 'gson' Format 0.1.0 Artistic-2.0
igraph Network Analysis and Visualization 2.0.3 GPL (>= 2)
mvtnorm Multivariate Normal and t Distributions 1.2-5 GPL-2
qvalue Q-value estimation for false discovery rate control 2.36.0 LGPL
later Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event
Loops 1.3.2 MIT + file LICENSE
modeltools Tools and Classes for Statistical Models 0.2-23 GPL-2
statnet.common Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project
Software 4.9.0 GPL-3 + file LICENSE
backports Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0 1.5.0 GPL-2 | GPL-3
rstatix Pipe-Friendly Framework for Basic Statistical Tests 0.7.2 GPL-2
shadowtext Shadow Text Grob and Layer 0.1.3 Artistic-2.0
AnnotationDbi Manipulation of SQLite-based annotations in Bioconductor 1.66.0 Artistic-2.0
sna Tools for Social Network Analysis 2.7-2 GPL (>= 2)
Mfuzz Soft clustering of time series gene expression data 2.64.0 GPL-2
quantreg Quantile Regression 5.97 GPL (>= 2)
miniUI Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens GPL-3
gtable Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables 0.3.5 MIT + file LICENSE
abind Combine Multidimensional Arrays 1.4-5 LGPL (>= 2)
xfun Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie' 0.44 MIT + file LICENSE
Cairo R Graphics Device using Cairo Graphics Library for Creating
High-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG,
PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) Output 1.6-2 GPL-2 | GPL-3
Biostrings Efficient manipulation of biological strings 2.72.0 Artistic-2.0
dynamicTreeCut Methods for Detection of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering
Dendrograms 1.63-1 GPL (>= 2) Genome wide annotation for Human 3.19.1 Artistic-2.0
KernSmooth Functions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995) 2.23-24 Unlimited
jsonlite A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R 1.8.8 MIT + file LICENSE
magrittr A Forward-Pipe Operator for R 2.0.3 MIT + file LICENSE
tkWidgets R based tk widgets 1.82.0 Artistic-2.0
svglite An 'SVG' Graphics Device 2.1.3 GPL (>= 2)
base64enc Tools for base64 encoding 0.1-3 GPL-2 | GPL-3
spatstat.univar One-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the
'spatstat' Family 3.0-0 GPL (>= 2) TH's Data Archive 1.1-2 GPL-3
matrixStats Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to
Vectors) 1.3.0 Artistic-2.0
SeuratObject Data Structures for Single Cell Data 5.0.2 MIT + file LICENSE
cols4all Colors for all 0.7-1 GPL-3 Confidence Intervals for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator 0.5-6 GPL (>= 2)
fastmatch Fast 'match()' Function 1.1-4 GPL-2
gower Gower's Distance 1.0.1 GPL-3
checkmate Fast and Versatile Argument Checks 2.3.1 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
hardhat Construct Modeling Packages 1.3.1 MIT + file LICENSE
MatrixGenerics S4 Generic Summary Statistic Functions that Operate on
Matrix-Like Objects 1.16.0 Artistic-2.0
SnowballC Snowball Stemmers Based on the C 'libstemmer' UTF-8 Library 0.7.1 BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
spatstat.sparse Sparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities 3.1-0 GPL (>= 2)
htmlTable Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML 2.4.2 GPL (>= 3)
rngtools Utility Functions for Working with Random Number Generators 1.5.2 GPL-3
RANN Fast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps ANN Library) Using L2
Metric 2.6.2 GPL (>= 3)
S4Vectors Foundation of vector-like and list-like containers in
Bioconductor 0.42.0 Artistic-2.0
spatstat.explore Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family 3.3-2 GPL (>= 2)
IRanges Foundation of integer range manipulation in Bioconductor 2.38.0 Artistic-2.0
bit64 A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers 4.0.5 GPL-2 | GPL-3
cluster "Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et
al. 2.1.6 GPL (>= 2)
farver High Performance Colour Space Manipulation 2.1.2 MIT + file LICENSE
zip Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression 2.3.1 MIT + file LICENSE
gplots Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data GPL-2


Multimodality Fusion Subtyping







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No packages published