App where you can share your life experience with other people (like tips for you in youth)
Some gems have native extensions. You should have GCC installed on your development machine.
- to run Javascript unit testsgraphviz
- to generate Entity-Relationship Diagramnode
- JavaScript runtime
Setup required dependencies from Brewfile
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
brew bundle
Clone application as new project with original repository named "rails-base".
git clone git:// --origin rails-base [MY-NEW-PROJECT]
Create your new repo on GitHub and push master into it. Make sure master branch is tracking origin repo.
git remote add origin [email protected]:[MY-GITHUB-ACCOUNT]/[MY-NEW-PROJECT].git
git push -u origin master
- Run setup script
- Run test and quality suits to make sure all dependencies are satisfied and applications works correctly before making changes.
- Run app
- Update README
Do not forget to update application
file with detailed information based on the
existing template.
mv doc/
# update
git commit -am "Update"
Out of the box Rails Base ready to be deployed to
- Heroku Postgres add-on will be used for database.
- SendGrid add-on required to be able to send emails.
- NewRelic add-on could be used to monitor application performance.
- Rollbar add-on could be used to application errors.
heroku create --addons=heroku-postgresql,sendgrid,newrelic,rollbar --remote staging rails-base-example
heroku config:add HOST="" MAILER_SENDER_ADDRESS="[email protected]" NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME="Rails Base"
git push staging master
heroku run rake db:schema:load
heroku open