- python2.7/3
- django==1.11.4
django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/jarrekk/django-tmpl/archive/master.zip --extension=example,py,ini $PROJECT_NAME
cd $PROJECT_NAME/application
cp env.example .env
- logging
- celery
- django-environ
- django-debug-toolbar
- django-extension
- django-compressor
- django-anymail(MailGun) with async function
- django-allauth(Email verify/login)
- django-rest-framework with jwt
- django class based views(APIView with pagination feature)
- different settings for different environment
- different requirements for different environment
- MySQL support for each environment and sqlit3 for develop environment
- docker & docker-compose for development, test and production environment
- full user features with basic and rest