This is a WebStie Using SpringMVC framework.
The Environment: Jdk 1.8, Apache Tomcat 9.0.12, Intellij Idea.
For admin, the ability to add, delete, change and find user and goods.
For user, only the ability to add, delete, change and find goods.
A waterfall designed page for goods review.(We haven't finished the shopping cart)
Using Ajax for databases check if there are same username or email.
Using MailSender to send identify code.
Tow Types of user, admin and ordinary user.
Using INtercepter to check for session. Without Login, the pages cannont be acheived.(Also the differences between Admin and User)
Using Log4j2 to record logs, defaults logs path is in D://logs/user
To build a real shopping website we need a real Shopping cart.
We haven't split up different users, which means the goods in databases are shared. So any user can modify evey goods, which is obvious not our intention.
Databases: Username: root Password: 666
Default Mail: [email protected]