An easy way to paste images to wysiwyg editors in Django admin interface. All it needs from you is to upload an image through standard Django interface, and you will get a URL to provide to your wysiwyg editor.
Application was tested with Python 3.6 and Django 2.2, 3.2
Install using pip
pip install django-wysiwyg-image
Add 'wysiwyg_img'
Important! This tutorial does not cover basic Django configurations, installations of third party apps like django-tinymce, Pillow etc.
Let's imagine we have a posts
app in Django project with Post
model in which we want to paste images by wysiwyg editor in admin interface(in our case django-tinymce editor). First up we're going to import BaseImageModel
from wysiwyg_img.models
and inherite from it our PostImage
model. Then we have to tie PostImage
model to Post
model by ForeignKey
. Now our
file should look like this:
from django.db import models
from tinymce import models as tinymce_models
from wysiwyg_img.models import BaseImageModel
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
tiny_mce = tinymce_models.HTMLField()
class PostImage(BaseImageModel):
post = models.ForeignKey(Post, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Run ./ makemigrations
and ./ migrate
Do not forget to install django-tinymce and Pillow before running migrations.
We also need to do some configurations in
file of current application:
from django.contrib import admin
from wysiwyg_img.admin import ImageInline
from posts.models import Post, PostImage
class PostImageInline(ImageInline):
model = PostImage
class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [
], PostAdmin)
The last step is to create a superuser to access the admin interface. That's all! Now in admin interface we have fields to download unlimited images associated with Post
model. Each field has LINK TO PASTE
value to provide to your WYSIWYG editor. Just copy it and paste to the editor window. Pay attention! Editors may not include image plugins by default. Fields also have thumbnails and delete checkboxes for convenient way of managing images.
There are two possible configurations available through django.conf.settings
Default: ''
String represents path to downloaded images under your MEDIA_ROOT
. It works exactly as FileField.upload_to.
Important! Every time you change this setting, you must run
command to create and apply migrations.
Default: 150
Integer represents thumbnail width in Django admin interface.
Neither django-wysiwyg-image
app nor Django itself removes images from your file system automatically when you hit the delete button. So you'll have to implement the removal of images yourself. Or you can use a brilliant app for that purpose: django-cleanup.