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Youx edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

Server : sending player list (0xf0be0700)

Player list

Size Value Description
4 bytes 32 bits ???
4 bytes 32 bits ???
4 bytes 32 bit unsigned integer Number of players in the packet
* * A given number of players (see below )


Size Value Description
4 bytes 32 bits Public ID of player
4 bytes 32 bits Channel ID the player is in
2 bytes 16 bit bitfield Channel privileges of player
2 bytes 16 bit bitfield Global flags of player
2 bytes 16 bit bitfield Player attributes
1 byte 8 bit unsigned integer Size of player name
29 bytes String Player name


Player channel privileges

Value Binary Description
1 0000000000000001 Channel admin
2 0000000000000010 Operator
4 0000000000000100 Voice
8 0000000000001000 Auto operator
16 0000000000010000 Auto voice

Player global flags

Value Binary Description
1 0000000000000001 Server admin
2 0000000000000010 Registration allowed
4 0000000000000100 Registered

Player attributes

Value Binary Description
1 0000000000000001 ???
2 0000000000000010 ???
4 0000000000000100 Block whisper
8 0000000000001000 Away
16 0000000000010000 Microphone muted
32 0000000000100000 Speakers muted