This is my selfmade Discord bot. I use the pycord library. If you have any questions, bugs or ideas to improve it, please open a new issue. I use a config file to hide my tokens and system paths I use in my code.
- Description: Adds the given url/query to the queue.
- Aliases: search
- Description: Pauses the queue.
- Aliases: pausemusic, stop
- Description: Resumes the queue.
- Aliases: resumemusic, unpause
- Description: Disconnects the bot and clears the queue.
- Aliases: leave
- Description: Skips to the given position in the queue.
- Description: Skips to the next song.
- Aliases: skipsong, next, nextsong
- Description: Shows all the songs in the queue.
- Aliases: list, songs
- Description: Loops the song that is currently playing.
- Description: Loops the whole queue.
- Description: Shuffles the queue.
- Description: Sends all the commands.
- Aliases: helpcommands, commands
- Description: Generates a password of the desired length and sends it via dm.
- Description: Show the leaderboard of text messages.
- Aliases: text
- Description: Shows the leaderboard of being in a voice channel in minutes.
- Aliases: voice
- Description: Shows the leaderboard of havong your camera on in minutes.
- Aliases: camera, cam
- Description: Shows the leaderboard of streaming in minutes.
- Aliases: stream
- Description: Shows the leaderboard of amount of zevensprongen.
- Aliases: 7sprong, zevensprong, zevesprong, 7
- Description: Gives the current time and date.
- Description: Shows server info + easter egg.
- Description: Adds the users quote to the database.
- Aliases: quotesadd, addquotes, quoteadd
- Description: Adds the users amount of zevensprongen to the databse.
- Aliases: 7add, 7sprongadd, zeveadd, zevenadd, zevensprongadd, zevesprongadd, add7, addzeven, addzeve, addzevesprong
- Description: Sends all the quotes or the quotes from that user.
- Aliases: sendquotes, sendquote
- Description: Calculates your equation.
- Aliases: calc, calculator
- Description: Reply with this to a message and the bot will react your reaction with emojis to that message.
- Description: Plays tutturu.
- Aliases: tuturu, tutturuu, tuturuu
- Description: Shows the current free games from the GameDeals subreddit.
- Aliases: Deals
- Description: Sends a random copypasta from the copypasta subreddit.
- Description: Sends a random meme.
- Description: Shows your gay percentage.
- Aliases: gayness, gay
- Description: Shows your simp percentage.
- Aliases: simp
- Description: Sends a dick with random length.
- Aliases: dick, dicksize
- Description: Sends a vagina with random width.
- Aliases: vagina, vaginasize
- Description: Sends a random boobsize.
- Aliases: boob
- Description: Play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the bot, until somebody wins 3 times.
- Aliases: rockpaperscissors, rock, paper, scissor (one thing)
- Description: The bot flips a coin for you.
- Aliases: cointoss, toss
- Description: The bot repeats your message and deletes yours.
- Description: The bot plays a random sound in your channel.
- Aliases: sound
- Description: The function gets turned on.
- Aliases: on
- Functions: all, doeidruif, dad, sounds
- Description: The function gets turned off.
- Aliases: off
- Functions: all, doeidruif, dad, sounds