This project is an e-commerce back-end developed using the Golang Gin framework. It provides various APIs for user authentication, profile management, address management, cart management, and product management.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the dependencies:
go mod download
Build the project:
go build
Run the application:
The application will start running on
The following diagram represents the database schema of the GoShopCart E-commerce API:
Please refer to the diagram for a visual representation of the relationships between the different entities in the database.
The following endpoints are available in the application:
POST /auth/signin
- Signs in the user.POST /auth/signup
- Signs up a new user.POST /auth/tokenrefresh
- Refreshes the authentication token.GET /user/profile
- Retrieves the user's profile information.POST /user/profile/update
- Updates the user's profile information.GET /user/address
- Retrieves the user's address information.POST /user/address
- Adds a new address for the user.DELETE /user/address
- Deletes all addresses of the user.DELETE /user/address/:address_id
- Deletes a specific address of the user.GET /user/cart
- Retrieves the user's cart information.POST /user/cart
- Adds a product to the user's cartDELETE /user/cart
- Deletes all products from the user's cart.PUT /user/cart/:cart_id
- Updates a specific product in the user's cart.POST /product/
- Creates a new product.GET /product/:id
- Retrieves a specific product.PUT /product/:id
- Updates a specific product.DELETE /product/:id
- Deletes a specific product.GET /product/price
- Retrieves products within a price range.GET /product/price/:price
- Retrieves products by price.GET /product/keyword
- Retrieves products by keyword.
Contributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to open a pull request or submit any issues you may encounter.