Releases: YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny
10.3.4 - Small Y
What's Changed
- DS-1602 feat: Add initial Small Y functionality. by @froboy in #207
- feat: openy_features with Utility Menu by @podarok in #216
- [DS-1667] Update openy.packages.yml: enable Small Y Search module by @aleevas in #217
- feat: Small Y init by @podarok in #210
Full Changelog:
Release notes - YMCA's Digital Services - WS Release 10.3.4
DS-1506 [Drupal 10.2] Select image window isn't visible until the user clicks on the screen
DS-1508 [Layout Builder - WYSIWYG] Styles for highlighted text are missing
DS-1549 [Text Editor] Responsive image issues
DS-1591 [Regression] Add image window doesn't work properly
DS-1593 [Regression] Nothing happens when the user clicks on the arrows in the table on mobile device
DS-1611 [Membership Calculator] Membership Calculator doesn't match the design
DS-1613 [Membership Calculator] Steps buttons don't look good on tablets
DS-1619 It is not possible to override the system 404 page on D10.2+
DS-1620 Auto creation of redirects provided by the Redirects module is not working in combination with openy_redirect
DS-1646 [Layout Builder - Banners] Video plays fullscreen on iPhone, should play inline
DS-1649 Fix incorrect location info in popup
DS-1651 Investigate and Fix WSOD Issue on Sandboxes
DS-1665 Email address goes beyond the border of the location card on the last membership step on tablets
DS-1666 Error with Slick Carousel on OpenY Carnation Theme
DS-1671 [Small Y Template] There is more space above and below the Small Y Logo
DS-1672 [Smalll Y Template] Header is different from the design on the mobile devices
DS-1673 [Small Y Template] Utility menu links are not displayed on the mobile devices
DS-1674 Social media links in the footer do not open in a new window
DS-1675 [Small Y Template] Underline is missing under the center and right footer links
DS-1676 [Small Y Template] Footer doesn't match the design on mobile devices
DS-1677 [Small Y Template] Breadcrumbs placement doesn't match the design
DS-1678 An unexpected error occurs when the user creates Layout Builder pages
DS-1681 [Small Y Template] The spacing between ping pong added in the Ping-pong Section block is bigger than on the design
DS-1682 [Small Y Template] There is not enough space on the right of the content and above the title of the ping pong
DS-1683 [Small Y Template] The font weight of the ping-pong title is wrong
DS-1684 [Small Y] Y Small Statistics block isn't added in LB
DS-1685 [Small Y Template] The titles of the Tabs are duplicated
DS-1686 [Small Y] The width of the staff cards when 2 cards per row option is applied is different from the design
DS-1687 [Small Y Template] CTA field is missing in Icon Grid Item
DS-1688 [Small Y Template] The placement of the CTA button of the icon grid block is incorrect
DS-1689 [Small Y Template] Top navigation menu is added in the menu next to the main nav
DS-1690 [Small Y] The font size of the Banner title didn't change when the h1 or h2 is selected for Banner
DS-1691 [Small Y] The styles of the 2nd and 3rd level breadcrumbs are different from the design
DS-1692 [Small Y] Breadcrumbs are hidden in certain dimensions
DS-1693 [Small Y] The spacings between Stat Items is too big on the mobile devices and tablets
DS-1694 [Small Y] Plain table style is added to each table and the user can't change any other style
DS-1695 [Small Y Template] The text is hidden under the image on the mobile devices when sub page Banner variation is selected
DS-1696 [Small Y Template] Tall banner doesn't look good on tablets and desktop ( Safari)
DS-1697 [Small Y] The color of the title of the Banner sub page frame variation is wrong
DS-1698 [Small Y Template] Promo banner is slightly different on Iphone from the design
DS-1699 [Small Y] It is allowed to add up to 4 testimonial items in the block
DS-1700 [Small Y] Testimonial block doesn't follow the design
DS-1701 [Small Y] Mega menu doesn't follow the design on the mobile devices
DS-1702 [Small Y] Admin can't delete links in the mega menu
DS-1703 There is no space between 1st and 2nd button added to the Ping-pong block on the mobile devices
DS-1704 [Small Y Template] The ping pong options fail if there is more than one ping pong section on the page.
DS-1705 [Small Y] Menu is hidden under the alert or Banner image
DS-1707 [Small Y Template] Distance between the cards is bigger on the mobile devices than on the design
DS-1709 [Small Y Template] The font-weight of the description of the Staff block is wrong
DS-1710 [Small Y Template] The staff card isn't centred
DS-1711 [Small Y Template] The color of the title of the staff block is wrong
DS-1713 [Small Y] The block description isn't displayed in the Partners block
DS-1714 [Small Y] Partner items are not aligned
DS-1715 [Small Y] Partner item link field is missing
DS-1716 [Small Y] The font weight of the Partners block title and Partners tier title is wrong
DS-1717 [Small Y] Partners tier block is displayed in the Create a custom block window
DS-1720 [Small Y] Breadcrumbs placement is incorrect on the Article Lb page
DS-1721 [Small Y] Buttons on the right of main nav are not centred
DS-1722 [Small Y] The menu doesn't match the design
DS-1723 [Small Y Template] "Other" button is displayed when no giving amounts are added in the Donations block
DS-1724 [Small Y] Admin/editor can add Statistics block with 1 stat item
DS-1725 [Small Y] The placement of the breadcrumbs on Event Lb page is incorrect
DS-1726 [Small Y] Related Events block are missing "all" option in the number of rows field
DS-1727 [Small Y Template] An error occurred when admin created Article LB page
DS-1728 [Small Y Template] Table isn't displayed with selected styles
DS-1729 [Small Y Template] The lines between table rows don't match the design
DS-1730 [Small Y Template] Mega Menu - Arrows in mobile not clickable
DS-1732 There are too much empty space above the 404 page header on the mobile devices
DS-1733 [Small Y Template] Areas of impact in footer does not match the design
DS-1734 [Small Y Template] Sub-page Hero Banners - text alignment does not match designs
DS-1736 An error when trying to create Event Lb page
DS-1737 [Small Y Template] Icon Grid - Move CTA button above icons
DS-1738 [Small Y Template] Carousel - Carousel should not change height between slides
DS-1739 [Small Y] The Branch Info header doesn't match the design
DS-1740 [Small Y Template] Green color of the amenities block doesn't follow the design
DS-1741 [Small Y Template] Statistics component fixes
DS-1743 Table Component Responsiveness Issue - Scroll Bars Not Appearing on Mobile View
DS-1744 Cards view is broken on the event term page when there are more than 1 event on the mobile devices
DS-1746 [Small Y Template] Mega Menu - L2 and L3 menus have extra blue menu text displaying
DS-1747 [Small Y Template] Location Finder - Update page URL to /locations
DS-1750 [Small Y Template] Article Listings - Listing/Filter blocks are broken due to missing view
DS-1752 [Small Y Template] Mega menu & breadcrumbs getting cut off when the browser is around 1200px wide
DS-1753 [Activity Finder] Catch SearchApiSolrException when server is unavailable
DS-1757 [Small Y Template] Featured Article doesn't match the design
DS-1759 Demo content breaks Small Y sandboxes
DS-1760 [Small Y Template] Featured Event doesn't match the design
DS-1765 Update y_camp Module
DS-1766 Fields for classic style are not hidden when not Classic style is selected in Alert CT
DS-1767 The icon of the alert is hidden
DS-1768 The user can't scroll back to previous alerts when he is on the last alert
DS-1769 Search icon isn't displayed
DS-1772 There is duplicated link in the expanded 3rd level menu
DS-1773 Article and Events filters are broken
DS-188 [Design System] Small Y Template
DS-1279 [Event CT - Layout Builder] Create 'term pages' for Event category tags
DS-1283 [Event CT - Layout Builder] Configure the Event Listing block to accept tags
DS-1542 [Layout Builder - Event & Article listings] Allow editors to choose how many items to show in Events & Articles Listing views
DS-1552 [Layout Builder - Banners] Headers for in-page banners should be H2
DS-1558 [Dependencies] Update ColorAPI module
DS-1578 [Activity Finder v4] Add 'Skip wizard' option on AF4 block
DS-1579 [Small Y Template] Utility Menu
DS-1585 [Sandboxes] Small Y Template Sandbox
DS-1602 [Small Y Template] Components Prep
DS-1603 [Small Y Template] Global Header
DS-1604 [Small Y Template] Global Footer
DS-1605 [Small Y Template] Simple Content / WYSIWYG
DS-1606 [Small Y Template] Locations Page
DS-1621 [Small Y Template] Tall Hero Banner
DS-1625 [Colorways] Activity Finder Colorway fixes
DS-1626 [Small Y Template] Sub-page Hero Banners
DS-1627 [Small Y Template] Promo Banner
DS-1628 [Small Y Template] Breadcrumbs
DS-1629 [Small Y Template] Cards
DS-1630 [Small Y Template] Icon Grid
DS-1631 [Small Y Template] Ping Pongs
DS-1632 [Small Y Template] Testimonials
DS-1633 [Small Y Template] Statistics
DS-1634 [Small Y Template] Staff
DS-1635 [Small Y Template] Mega Menu
DS-1636 [Small Y Template] Carousels
DS-1638 [Small Y Template] Tabs
DS-1639 [Small Y... - dependency hotfix
What's Changed
- Allow updating link_attributes to 2.x by @froboy in #213
- Lock boostrap_styles to prevent issues until 10.3 by @froboy in #214
Full Changelog: - dependency hotfix
What's Changed
- feat: Add Y PEF Schedule app by @podarok in #163
- Update composer.json by @andrebonon in #209
- fix: bootstrap_layout_builder by @podarok in #211
New Contributors
- @andrebonon made their first contribution in #209
Full Changelog:
YUSA Release Notes: August 13, 2024
YMCA's Digital Services Release
Updates & New Features
Layout Builder Updates
Continuing general cleanup, updated documentation, and improvements to the content editing experience for new Layout Builder components and content types.
WYSIWYG / Simple Content - Created the ability for Y admins / content editors to copy text from Word and paste it into the WYSIWYG, and have the WYSIWYG clear out text formatting from Word. (DS-1308)
Social Sharing - Updated the y_lb share block to replace the Twitter logo with the X logo. (DS-1440)
Partners component - Heading size matches other components. (DS-1576)
Mega Menu - Allow Menu CTA to reference existing blocks. (DS-1583)
Design System Updates
Colorways - Set up Schedules styles so that they follow the established YUSA Colorway. (DS-1358)
Worked to resolve font size issues between YUSA & Y Canada Headings. (DS-1399)
Activity Finder / Schedules / Y360 Updates
[Y360] Improved Date Handling and Error Management in OpenY Repeat Module (DS-1535)
[Repeat Schedules] Added URL for studios/rooms. (DS-1584)
[Simple Schedules] Set up display weekly simple schedules with anonymous site users. (DS-1554)
[Simple Schedules] Fixed location of Event modal window for content editors. (DS-1598)
- Fixed a critical Search API issue in the Sandboxes. (DS-1539)
Updated Activity Finder Wiki documentation. (DS-1281)
Improved documentation for developers contributing patches to the distro. (DS-1537)
Updated user and developer documentation for Simple Schedules. (DS-1536)
Documented the process for avoiding outdated configuration (DS-1531)
Bug Fixes
[Layout Builder - Preferred Branch] Resolved an issue where the Preferred Location modal didn’t work if the user Account Menu was hidden. (DS-1410)
[Schedules] Fixed an issue with the session description in Repeat Schedules not displaying in the calendar. (DS-1501)
[Drupal 10.2 update] "Remove" button wasn't aligned with the field in the featured Event/Article block in the LB admin panel. (DS-1502)
[Layout Builder - Cards] Ensured Card tags are translated. (DS-1503)
[Drupal 10.2 update] Fixes broken styles for Add or select media modal. (DS-1507)
[Activity Finder] Fixed Font styles of text elements on the first step of Activity Finder. (DS-1511)
[Activity Finder] Fixed some styling issues in the top filter icons and bottom CTA sections of Activity Finder. (DS-1512)
[Activity Finder] Fixed filter modal styles. (DS-1513)
[Activity Finder] Added colored border styles for checked options. (DS-1514)
[Activity Finder] Fixed Day & Time step styles. (DS-1515)
[Activity Finder] Fixed Activity Finder results page styles. (DS-1519)
[Promotion Content Type] Ensured the description of the promotion is displayed in Card mode view. (DS-1521)
[Layout Builder - Camp Banner] Removed extra white space around the banner on Camp pages (DS-1523)
[Layout Builder - Camp CT] Fixed an alignment issue with the Camp info section. (DS-1524)
[Layout Builder - Event CT] Fixed a layout issue with the event sidebar on tablet devices. (DS-1525)
[Layout Builder - Article CT] Fixed a layout issue for Related Articles. (DS-1526)
[Layout Builder - Location Finder] Fixed an alignment issue with Location card titles. (DS-1527)
[Schedules] Fixed styles for ‘refine results’ filter and icon. (DS-1528)
[Schedules] Fixed the styles for the paginator on mobile devices. (DS-1529)
[Layout Builder - Cards] Resolved an issue with the Chevron Card variation styles. (DS-1532)
[Layout Builder - Simple Content / WYSIWYG] Ensured links display with proper link styles in body text. (DS-1533)
[Drupal 10.2] Ensured Membership Builder works in Drupal 10.2. (DS-1538)
[Layout Builder - Articles] Fixed the schema dates and publisher. (DS-1540)
[Layout Builder - Banners] Fixed an issue with YouTube videos not looping. (DS-1541)
[Layout Builder - Mega Menu] Fixed an issue with main navigation redirecting instead of showing child menu items. (DS-1544)
[Layout Builder - Global Footer] Ensured footer link text is wrapping. (DS-1550)
[Simple Schedules] Adding a session when no color is set on the parent Activity no longer results in an error. ymcatwincities#1555)
[Simple Schedules] Cleaned up dependencies that were missing from composer.json. (DS-1556)
Fixed an issue with long email addresses not wrapping on mobile devices. (DS-1561)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed an issue with instructor name and duration not displaying for schedule items. (DS-1563)
[Repeat Schedules] Resolved some styling issues with the Schedules sidebar. (DS-1564)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the border radius of the Schedules results list and the styles for the Add to Calendar window. (DS-1565)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed styling of the Add to Calendar link. (DS-1567)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the missing line below the Refine Results button. (DS-1568)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the color of the paginator in the results to match the selected Colorway. (DS-1570)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed the styling for the Locations filter. (DS-1571)
[Repeat Schedules] Resolved an issue with the Location details window not displaying in mobile devices. (DS-1572)
[Repeat Schedules] Fixed styling of the Schedules block for the Canadian Colorway. (DS-1573)
[Layout Builder - Admin UX] Ensured the entity modal browser close button is visible. (DS-1582)
[Layout Builder - Branch Header] Fixed long email addresses so they don’t go beyond the border in Branch Contacts Info section. (DS-1594)
[Layout Builder - Partners] Resolved an issue with a missing image file stopping the block from being saved. (DS-1600)
[Layout Builder - Events] Fixed an issue with event listing and featured event images being stretched on tablet devices. (DS-1607)
[Layout Builder - Staff] Fixed long email addresses so they wrap properly. (DS-1590)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: - embed hotfix
What's Changed
Full Changelog: - search_api and CKEditor 5 Paste Filter module
What's Changed
- feat: [DS-1539] Upgrade to supported search_api and core by @podarok in #199
- [DS-1310] Add and enable the CKEditor 5 Paste Filter module by @aleevas in #194
Full Changelog: 10.3.3...
10.3.3 - June Release
Layout Builder Updates
Continuing general cleanup, updated documentation, and improvements to the content editing experience for new Layout Builder components and content types.
[Learn more in our docs]( .
Memberships - Membership Calculator can be placed in a page using Layout Builder. DS-555
Schedules - Schedules can be placed in a page using Layout Builder. DS-1341
Mega Menu - Allow main menu items with <nolink>. DS-1299
Footer - Added hover states to Y footer logo and social icons, fixed spacing on social icons. DS-1356
Events - Made End Date/Time field optional. DS-1386
Events - Set up metatags and configured for new Layout Builder Events content type. DS-849
Events - Enabled ‘Schedule for publishing’ option for the Layout Builder Event content type for content editors to schedule an event to publish at a specific date / time. DS-1359
Articles - Enabled ‘Schedule for publishing’ option for the Layout Builder Article content type for content editors to schedule an article to publish at a specific date / time. DS-1492
Landing Pages - Enabled ‘Schedule for publishing’ option for the Layout Builder Landing Page content type for content editors to schedule landing pages to publish at a specific date / time. DS-1493
Cards - Improved styling for buttons using the "overlapping" style configuration. DS-1305
Cards - Added text formatting to the Card description field. DS-1464
Branch Amenities - Made field_amenities_icon optional so that content editors do not have to include icons. DS-1401
Alerts - Translated Alerts should show the correct/current language. DS-1453
Design System Updates
Colorways - Updated Search Results page to match the 4 Colorways. DS-1398
Colorways - Updated Activity Finder to match the 4 Colorways. DS-1340
Colorways - Ensured Montserrat is being used as the Heading font for Canadian Colorway. DS-1407
Colorways - Ensured Montserrat is being used as body text for the Canadian Colorway. DS-1378, DS-1454
Added support for responsive favicons to the Distribution. DS-1287
Activity Finder Updates
Added advanced filtering to include additional filters. DS-384
Time of day
Start month
Included in Membership
Internal Weekly Schedules Updates
Y admins can now access the Create/Edit form component on the FrontEnd APP in the Schedules admin interface. DS-1276
Changed configuration for the color picker field so it is set via the category in the activity content type, and not in the session. DS-1400
Fixed an issue with the close button being hidden for the Schedules modal. DS-1388
Admin / Content Editor Enhancements
- Fixed the height for the media directories browser so that admins can view the footer section containing the "Select Media" button without resorting to scrolling. DS-1417
- Added help / description text for new Activity Finder filters. DS-1494
Drupal Updates
Updated to Drupal core version 10.2. DS-758
- NOTE: This release will work with Drupal 10.1 or Drupal 10.2.
Updated to OpenY map version 5.2. DS-1497
- Added a new sandbox for the Traction Rec Activity Finder integration. DS-1328
TractionRec Integration - Documented how to [set up and configure the integration with TractionRec]( . DS-1394
Camp Content Type - Documented how to use the [Camp Content Type]( in Layout Builder. DS-1313
Bug Fixes
Menus - Fixed issue with menu links with long text not wrapping on mobile devices. DS-1337
LB Testimonials - Adjusted the line height of the Testimonial component. DS-1365
Membership Framework - Users no longer redirected to an empty page after selecting a membership product. DS-1418
LB Camp Menu / Microsite Menu - Fixed issues with mobile Camp Menu styles. DS-1422
LB Donate - Fixed issue with content editors not being able to add the Donate component. DS-1425
Resolved PHP message: Error: Call to a member function getEntityTypeId( on null DS-1426
LB Cards - Ensured Card top corner settings apply when no image is displayed. DS-1431
LB Cards - Fixed issue with Overlay Card variation title spacing when no image is displayed. DS-1432
LB Cards - Resolved an issue with incorrect button display for Cards with longer titles. DS-1465
LB Camp Content Type - Ensured Alerts on Camp nodes can be closed on mobile devices. DS-1450
LB Home Branch Feature - Resolved an issue where the branch location changes to the previously set location when the user unchecks the “Don’t ask me again” box. DS-1421
LB Accordion - Added missing subheading/description field. DS-1446
LB Locations - Amenities Filters - Fixed an issue where Amenities filters fail with content types that don't have amenities field. DS-1449
LB Alerts - Fixed issue with Alerts containing markup in the description that are not getting hidden if they are longer than 150 characters. DS-1455
LB Alerts - Resolved an issue with Alert display settings preventing Alerts from displaying. DS-1403
LB Locations - Amenities Filters - Adjusted the Amenities Filter margins to prevent tops getting cut off. DS-1457
LB Ping Pongs - Resolved an issue with images getting pixelated in ping pongs when the text area contains a lot of text. DS-1349
LB Tables - Fixed missing table properties. DS-1369
LB Donate - Fixed an error with external links failing to validate. DS-1317
LB Branch Content Type - Email icon no longer shows if the email field is empty. DS-1405
LB Branch Amenities - Fixed the colour of the open amenities icon. DS-1406
LB media browser - Fixed an issue with videos not being able to be uploaded to LB components via the media browser. DS-1342
LB Camp CT - Ensured the hamburger menu does not display if there are no menu links. DS-1463
LB Article / Event / Landing Page CTs - Fixed the preview button when creating LB Articles, Events and Landing Pages. DS-1498
LB Promo Card - Fixed an issue with the display of the icons. DS-1430
Virtual Y - Fixed header on Virtual Y Sandboxes. DS-1322
Fixed failing update hooks causing errors when updating distro versions. DS-1510
Resolved some CMS login and content creation issues for admins. DS-1471
What's Changed
- feat: Bump y_lb by @aleevas in #176
- feat: Allow AFv4.4 - re: DS-384 by @podarok in #175
- feat: Add multilanguage support to openy_map by @podarok in #179
- feat: Bump openy_repeat by @podarok in #174
- Feat: optimized icons by @podarok in #178
- Alerts 2.2.1 by @podarok in #168
- feat: Bump openy_map - add translation by @podarok in #180
- fix: Add scheduler translation patch by @froboy in #181
- Update drupal/plugin patch by @froboy in #182
- Hotfix by @podarok in #185
- DS-1287 fix: Add favicon color options and tweak existing by @froboy in #187
- feat: Activity Finder with Colorway support by @podarok in #189
- Remove outdated openy_repeat patch by @froboy in #192
- [DS-1471] Apply patch for Redirection module by @aleevas in #193
Full Changelog: