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node-hiprint-transit is a Node.js-based transit server that acts as a bridge between the electron-hiprint client and the vue-plugin-hiprint library, enabling seamless connectivity and printing operations between these components.




  • Remote Printing: Easily print documents from the client to the printer using electron-hiprint without any dialog prompts.

  • Secure Connection: All connections between the client, transit server, and vue-plugin-hiprint library are protected with tokens and ports.

  • Configuration: node-hiprint-transit allows you to configure various settings including port, token, SSL usage, and language preferences.

  • Ease of Use: node-hiprint-transit is typically installed on a public server with a relatively fixed IP and port. It can also be accessed via a domain name. Only one-time configuration is required in electron-hiprint and vue-plugin-hiprint, unlike electron-hiprint which is susceptible to DHCP automatic address changes.

⚠️ Important Note

Free Services - Powered by Love

Version Server Info Service Provider Region Expiry Date Server Address Token
0.0.4 2C2G4M 300G/m Tencent Cloud GZ 2026-07-16 hiprint*
0.0.4 2C2G3M Aliyun GZ 2025-11-8 hiprint*
0.0.3 1C1G3M 1000G/m Yisu Cloud HK 2025-07-17 vue-plugin-hiprint

The above services are freely available. Version 0.0.3 does not have token isolation and is only recommended for development and testing purposes.

This project is free and open source. We promise not to steal any data generated during the use of the above free services. However, we cannot guarantee that the services will not be vulnerable to data leakage due to hacker attacks.

If you require higher stability, security, and reliability for your services, we recommend deploying them independently. Teams with backend development capabilities can rewrite the services using their preferred backend language.

!!! ⚠️ When using the web interface, please connect and disconnect as needed. Do not keep the connection to the service for an extended period of time to reduce server load.

!!! ⚠️ Please do not use weak passwords, such as "hiprint-123". This project is not responsible for any issues caused by the use of weak passwords.

! I am a frontend developer and have limited knowledge of servers, operations, and security. I kindly request that you refrain from attacking the free and open source services.


This script will help you quickly install, initialize, and run node-hiprint-transit.


chmod +x



When using it for the first time, you need to perform the initial setup.

This will guide you through the initialization step by step.

node run ./dist/init

# ? Set language (Use arrow keys)
# > English
#   简体中文
# ? Set serve port 10000~65535: 17521
# ? Set service TOKEN (Use the wildcard character (*) to match any character): hiprint*
# ? Use SSL: (y/N)
# Configuration file written successfully

If your configuration is incorrect, you only need to execute the script again.


The configuration wizard will prompt you to set the following options:

  • Language: Choose your preferred language (default: English).

  • Port: The port number used for communication (default: 17521).

  • Token: A secure token used for authentication (6 or more characters, can use one or more * as a wildcard) (default: hiiprint).

  • SSL: Enable or disable SSL for secure connections (default: false).

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Start the Server

node ./dist/index

Server is running at

Make sure the port is open in your firewall or security group.
Token: hiprint*

Connect Web Project to node-hiprint-transit

Now you can directly connect to the transit server node-hiprint-transit using the server address and token.

import { hiprint } from 'vue-plugin-hiprint'

  host: '', // Enter the address after the server starts
  token: 'hiprint-1', // Token used for authentication

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Connect electron-hiprint to node-hiprint-transit

Right-click on the tray icon to access the settings and enter the server address, port, and token.

electron-hiprint set page

After entering the information, you can click on Test to check if the connection is successful.

Connection Successful

connect success

Connection Failed

connect error

Finally, restart the electron-hiprint application.


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When the Web client (vue-plugin-hiprint) connects, serverInfo, clients, and printerList events are emitted.

socket.emit("serverInfo", Object) ↑ v0.0.4

This will return some information about the transit server.

  // Transit server version
  version: "0.0.4",
  // Number of clients currently connected with the TOKEN
  currentClients: 1,
  // Total number of connected clients
  allClients: 1
  // Number of web clients currently connected with the TOKEN
  webClients: 1,
  // Total number of connected web clients
  allWebClients: 1,
  // Total server memory
  totalmem: 2147483648,
  // Free server memory
  freemem: 1073741824,


socket.emit("clients", Object)

This will display information about all connected electron-hiprint clients.

  arch: "x64",
  clientUrl: "",
  ip: "",
  ipv6: "fe80::13f:eb0f:e426:7c92",
  mac: "a1:a2:a3:a4:a5:a6",
  machineId: "12c90ff9-b9f4-4178-9099-9dd326b70c2e",
  platform: "win32",
  printerList: (6) [{
    description: "",
    displayName: "Microsoft Print to PDF",
    isDefault: true,
    name: "Microsoft Print to PDF",
    options: {,
      "printer-location": "",
      "printer-make-and-model": "Microsoft Print To PDF",
      "system_driverinfo": "Microsoft Print To PDF;10.0.19041.3570 (WinBuild.160101.0800);Microsoft® Windows® Operating System;10.0.19041.3570"
    status: 0
  }, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}],
  version: "1.0.7",
  "clientid": {},


socket.emit("printerList", Array)

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This will display information about all connected electron-hiprint client printers.

  clientId: "AlBaUCNs3AIMFPLZAAAh",
  description: "",
  displayName: "Microsoft Print to PDF",
  isDefault: true,
  name: "Microsoft Print to PDF",
  options: {,
  "printer-location": "",
  "printer-make-and-model": "Microsoft Print To PDF",
  "system_driverinfo": "Microsoft Print To PDF;10.0.19041.3570 (WinBuild.160101.0800);Microsoft® Windows® Operating System;10.0.19041.3570"
  status: 0
}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}]

socket.on("clientInfo", (Object) => {})

Information about electron-hiprint.

socket.on("printerList", (Array) => {})

Send client printer information to electron-hiprint.

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This API is not supported. Use getClients instead.

socket.on("ippPrint", (options) => {})

Perform IPP printing on electron-hiprint client.

  • socket.emit("error", { msg })

  •"ippPrint", { ...options, replyId: })

socket.on("ippPrinterConnected", (options) => {})

Create IPP printer connection event to respond to the client.

  •"ippPrinterConnected", options.printer)

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socket.on("ippPrinterCallback", (options, res) => {})

Perform IPP printer callback to respond to the client.

  •"ippPrinterCallback", options, res)

socket.on("ippRequest", (options) => {})

Send IPP request to electron-hiprint client.

  • socket.emit("error", msg)

  •"ippRequest", { ...options, replyId: })

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socket.on("ippRequestCallback", (options, res) => {})

Perform IPP request callback to respond to the client.

  •"ippRequestCallback", options, res)

socket.on("news", (options) => {})

Send print information to electron-hiprint client.

  • socket.emit("error", {msg, templateId: options.templateId })

  •"news", { ...options, replyId: })

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socket.on("success", (options) => {})

Perform success callback to respond to the client.

  •"success", options)

!!! ⚠️ Please note that there is a spelling mistake in all versions of vue-plugin-hiprint 0.0.57 and earlier. It only listens and handles the "successs" event. This issue is expected to be fixed in version 0.0.58. For now, you need to patch vue-plugin-hiprint yourself.

  host: '', // Enter the address after the server starts
  token: 'hiprint-1',     // Token used for authentication
// Add the following code after hiprint.init
hiwebSocket.socket.on("success", ()=> {
  hinnn.event.trigger("printSuccess" + t.templateId, t);

socket.on("error", (options) => {})

Perform error callback to respond to the client.

  •"error", options)

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Some Unimportant Information

  1. node-hiprint-transit will log information in the ./logs directory.

  2. If you enable SSL, you should replace the ./src/ssl.key and ./src/ssl.pem files.

  3. The transit server will actively request the printer list from electron-hiprint every 10 minutes to update printer information.

  4. is a demo address for version 0.0.3, which can be used to quickly verify the feasibility of the solution. The server is a 1C1G3M Hong Kong server and does not guarantee stable and reliable service. Please deploy it yourself if needed.

  5. Why choose Node development? Because I am a frontend developer and can only choose Node development. vue-plugin-hiprint is a frontend plugin and most users are frontend developers. Why use a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Node can easily achieve the desired result!

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If this project is helpful to you, please give it a star. Thank you!

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