This project provides efficient solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations based on high-order discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods. By the use of efficient solution algorithms as well as solvers and preconditioners based on the matrix-free paradigm, this project aims at offering next generation's fluid solvers exploiting modern computer hardware and being prepared for the massively parallel era.
As a prerequisite to get access to the code, a new user has to login at with the TUMOnline account ab12xyz so that the user can be added to the project.
Go to your working_directory
cd /working_directory/
N.B.: For students at LNM, the scratch-directory has to be used (as opposed to the home directory) as a folder for the subsequent installations
cd /scratch/students_name/
This directory is called working_directory in the following.
For other users, the working directory might for example be
cd /home/username/
Add the following variable to your environment (in case you want to make the setting permanent, e.g. by inserting the following line into your bashrc-file)
export WORKING_DIRECTORY=/working_directory
We now create a folder called workspace in the working_directory/ where we will later install the navierstokes code
mkdir workspace
Since we also have to install other software packages apart from the navierstokes code, we create another folder called sw (software) for third party software packages
mkdir sw
Go to the workspace-folder in your working directory
cd /working_directory/workspace/
Fork from the supervisor's navierstokes project [email protected]:supervisor_id/navierstokes.git, e.g.,
[email protected]:ga34jem/navierstokes.git (Niklas) or [email protected]:ne96pad/navierstokes.git (Martin).
This has to be done on website (open the supervisor's navierstokes project and press the Fork button). As a result, a navierstokes project with the student's ID ab12xyz is created.
git clone
cd navierstokes/
git remote add supervisor
For some functionalities in the navierstokes code (e.g., algebraic multigrid solver), trilinos is required. The default setting is to not install trilinos and installing this package is optional.
If you want to use trilinos, go to the sw-folder in your working directory
cd /working_directory/sw/
Download trilinos and run the following commands
tar xf trilinos-release-12-12-1.tar.gz
cd Trilinos-trilinos-release-12-12-1/
mkdir build
cd build/
Copy the script from the folder navierstokes/scripts/ to the current folder, e.g.,
cp /working_directory/workspace/navierstokes/scripts/ .
N.B.: To get these scripts, you first have to perform the first steps of the navierstokes installation described above, i.e., you have to fork and clone the navierstokes project.
Next, adapt the directory settings at the top of the script and run the script
bash ./
For clusters @LNM: Load modules
module load mpi/openmpi-4.0.1
module load gcc/8
and adapt MPIDIR in Find out the path by
module show mpi/openmpi-4.0.1
Next, build the code
make -j2
make install
For some functionalities in the navierstokes code (e.g., graph partitioning), metis is required. The default setting is to not install metis and installing this package is optional.
If you want to use metis, go to the sw-folder in your working directory
cd /working_directory/sw/
Download metis and run the following commands
git clone
cd metis
cmake .
The navierstokes code uses the deal.II library (, which is an open source finite element library based on the object-oriented C++ programming language.
Go to the sw-folder in your working directory
cd /working_directory/sw/
Clone the deal.II code from the gitlab project called matrixfree
git clone
Download p4est
and run the command
matrixfree/doc/external-libs/ p4est-2.0.tar.gz `pwd`
Create a folder build
mkdir build
cd build/
Copy the script from the folder navierstokes/scripts/ to the current folder, e.g.,
cp /working_directory/workspace/navierstokes/scripts/ .
N.B.: To get these scripts, you first have to perform the first steps of the navierstokes installation described above, i.e., you have to fork and clone the navierstokes project.
Next, adapt the directory settings at the top of the script and switch on trilinos/metis if desired (and adjust the folder if necessary)
Run the config-script
bash ./
Build the deal.II code
make -j2
Install fftw (Fast Fourier transformation) for evaluation of kinetic energy spectra:
Download fftw from homepage and copy to folder sw
cd /working_directory/sw/
tar -xf fftw-3.3.7.tar.gz
cd fftw-3.3.7
./configure --enable-mpi --prefix=/working_directory/sw/fftw-3.3.7-install
make install
cd ../fftw-3.3.7-install/lib/
Copy the script from the folder navierstokes/scripts/ to the current folder, e.g.,
cp /working_directory/workspace/navierstokes/scripts/ .
N.B.: To get these scripts, you first have to perform the first steps of the navierstokes installation described above, i.e., you have to fork and clone the navierstokes project.
Run the script in order to combine the two libraries libfftw3.a and libfftw3_mpi.a
bash ./
Add the following variable to your environment (in case you want to make the setting permanent, e.g. by inserting the following lines into your bashrc-file)
export FFTW_INC="$WORKING_DIRECTORY/sw/fftw-3.3.7-install/include"
export FFTW_LIB="$WORKING_DIRECTORY/sw/fftw-3.3.7-install/lib/combined"
cd navierstokes/
Copy the script from the folder navierstokes/scripts/ to the current folder, e.g.,
cp /working_directory/workspace/navierstokes/scripts/ .
Deactivate the fftw related lines in if not needed, i.e., set
and run the config-script
bash ./
In folder navierstokes, run the command
make release
and build navierstokes code
cd applications/
make -j2
You can now run your first simulations by selecting a test case in one of the files (e.g.,, setting the desired parameters in the my_application_test_cases/my_test_case.h header-file, and running
mpirun -np xxx ./my_application
To build the debug-version, run the following commands
cd ../
make debug
cd applications/
make -j2
and reactivate release-version after debugging via
cd ../
make release
cd applications/
make -j2
Get recent updates of the supervisor's navierstokes code
git pull supervisor master
Commit changes and push:
Run clang-format for all files that have been changed, e.g.,
clang-format -i changed_file.cpp
clang-format -i new_file.h
Get an overview of what has been changed and add/commit. The following commands are used alternatingly
git status
git add changed_file.cpp new_file.h
git commit -m "a message describing what has been done/changed"
and finally push
git push
Start a merge-request on the website
Open your own navierstokes project, and press button Merge Requests. Select your own project as source and the supervisor's project as target.
Open eclipse and choose folder workspace as "workspace" in eclipse
- File > New > Project > C/C++ > Makefile Project with Existing Code
- fill in Project Name = navierstokes
- Existing Code Location = /working_directory/workspace/navierstokes/
- disable C, enable C++
- choose Cross GCC
- Project > Properties > C/C++ Build
- use default build command or user specified build command, e.g., make -j4
- fill in build directory (choose navierstokes/applications)
- Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Code Analysis: disable 'syntax and semantic errors'
- Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Formatter: lnm/styles/baci-eclipse-style
- Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols: use /working_directory/sw/matrixfree/include (for Assembly, GNU C, GNU C++)
- Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > C/C++ Indexer Markers > uncheck all checkboxes > Apply > OK