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New WordPress.PHP.IniSet sniff to the WordPress-Extra ruleset.
This sniff will detect calls to ini_set() and ini_alter() and warn against their use as changing configuration values at runtime leads to an unpredictable runtime environment, which can result in conflicts between core/plugins/themes.
The sniff will not throw notices about a very limited set of "safe" ini directives.
For a number of ini directives for which there are alternative, non-conflicting ways to achieve the same available, the sniff will throw an error and advise using the alternative.
doubleval(), count() and sizeof() to Sniff::$unslashingSanitizingFunctions property.
While count() and its alias sizeof(), don't actually unslash or sanitize, the output of these functions is safe to use without unslashing or sanitizing.
This affects the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput and the WordPress.Security.NonceVerification sniffs.
The new WP 5.1 WP_UnitTestCase_Base class to the Sniff::$test_class_whitelist property.
New Sniff::get_array_access_keys() utility method to retrieve all array keys for a variable using multi-level array access.
New Sniff::is_class_object_call(), Sniff::is_token_namespaced() utility methods.
These should help make the checking of whether or not a function call is a global function, method call or a namespaced function call more consistent.
This also implements allowing for the namespace keyword being used as an operator.
New Sniff::is_in_function_call() utility method to facilitate checking whether a token is (part of) a parameter passed to a specific (set of) function(s).
New Sniff::is_in_type_test() utility method to determine if a variable is being type tested, along with a Sniff::$typeTestFunctions property containing the names of the functions this applies to.
New Sniff::is_in_array_comparison() utility method to determine if a variable is (part of) a parameter in an array-value comparison, along with a Sniff::$arrayCompareFunctions property containing the names of the relevant functions.
New Sniff::$arrayWalkingFunctions property containing the names of array functions which apply a callback to the array, but don't change the array by reference.
New Sniff::$unslashingFunctions property containing the names of functions which unslash data passed to them and return the unslashed result.
Moved the WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons, WordPress.PHP.StrictInArray and the WordPress.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition sniff from the WordPress-Extra to the WordPress-Core ruleset.
The Squiz.Commenting.InlineComment.SpacingAfter error is no longer included in the WordPress-Docs ruleset.
The WordPress.WP.DeprecatedFunctions sniff will now detect functions deprecated in WP 5.1.
The WordPress.Security.NonceVerification sniff now allows for variable type testing, comparisons, unslashing and sanitization before the nonce check. A nonce check within the same scope, however, is still required.
The WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput sniff now allows for using a superglobal in an array-value comparison without sanitization, same as when the superglobal is used in a scalar value comparison.
WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals: some of the error messages have been made more explicit.
The error messages for the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput sniff will now contain information on the index keys accessed.
The error message for the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotValidated has been reworded to make it more obvious what the actual issue being reported is.
The error message for the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash has been reworded.
The Sniff::is_comparison() method now has a new $include_coalesce parameter to allow for toggling whether the null coalesce operator should be seen as a comparison operator. Defaults to true.
All sniffs are now also being tested against PHP 7.4 (unstable) for consistent sniff results.
The recommended version of the suggested DealerDirect PHPCS Composer plugin is now ^0.5.0.
Various minor code tweaks and clean up.
ini_set and ini_alter from the list of functions detected by the WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedFunctions sniff.
These are now covered via the new WordPress.PHP.IniSet sniff.
in_array() and array_key_exists() from the list of Sniff::$sanitizingFunctions. These are now handled differently.
The WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals sniff would underreport when global functions would be autoloaded via a Composer autoload files configuration.
The WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput sniff will now recognize map_deep() for escaping the values in an array via a callback to an output escaping function. This should prevent false positives.
The WordPress.Security.NonceVerification sniff will no longer inadvertently allow for a variable to be sanitized without a nonce check within the same scope.
The WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput sniff will no longer throw errors when a variable is only being type tested.
The WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput sniff will now correctly recognize the null coalesce (PHP 7.0) and null coalesce equal (PHP 7.4) operators and will now throw errors for missing unslashing and sanitization where relevant.
The WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions sniff will no longer recommend using the WP_FileSystem when PHP native input streams, like php://input, or the PHP input stream constants are being read or written to.
The WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions sniff will no longer report on usage of the curl_version() function.
The WordPress.WP.CronInterval sniff now has improved function recognition which should lower the chance of false positives.
The WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResources sniff will no longer throw false positives for inline jQuery code trying to access a stylesheet link tag.
Various bugfixes for the Sniff::has_nonce_check() method:
The method will no longer incorrectly identify methods/namespaced functions mirroring the name of WP native nonce verification functions as if they were the global functions.
This will prevent some false negatives.
The method will now skip over nested closed scopes, such as closures and anonymous classes. This should prevent some false negatives for nonce verification being done while not in the correct scope.
These fixes affect the WordPress.Security.NonceVerification sniff.
The Sniff::is_in_isset_or_empty() method now also checks for usage of array_key_exist() and key_exists() and will regard these as correct ways to validate a variable.
This should prevent false positives for the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput and the WordPress.Security.NonceVerification sniffs.
Various bugfixes for the Sniff::is_sanitized() method:
The method presumed the WordPress coding style regarding code layout, which could lead to false positives.
The method will no longer incorrectly identify methods/namespaced functions mirroring the name of WP/PHP native unslashing/sanitization functions as if they were the global functions.
This will prevent some false negatives.
The method will now recognize map_deep() for sanitizing an array via a callback to a sanitization function. This should prevent false positives.
The method will now recognize stripslashes_deep() and stripslashes_from_strings_only() as valid unslashing functions. This should prevent false positives.
All these fixes affect both the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput and the WordPress.Security.NonceVerification sniff.
Various bugfixes for the Sniff::is_validated() method:
The method did not verify correctly whether a variable being validated was the same variable as later used which could lead to false negatives.
The method did not verify correctly whether a variable being validated had the same array index keys as the variable as later used which could lead to both false negatives as well as false positives.
The method now also checks for usage of array_key_exist() and key_exists() and will regard these as correct ways to validate a variable. This should prevent some false positives.
The methods will now recognize the null coalesce and the null coalesce equal operators as ways to validate a variable. This prevents some false positives.
The results from the WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput sniff should be more accurate because of these fixes.
A potential "Undefined index" notice from the Sniff::is_assignment() method.