A simple REPL based command line tool for accessing the Wish Core.
You will need to have an appropriate wish-core
(the peer-to-peer identity based communication layer). The source is available at: https://github.com/WishCore/wish-c99.
For building applications see: https://github.com/WishCore/wish-api-node
This is bleeding egde software and WILL BREAK from time to time, you have been warned.
npm install -g @wishcore/wish-cli
If everything is working correctly you should be greeted with something like this:
Welcome to Wish CLI vX.Y.Z
Not everything works as expected! You have been warned.
Connected to Wish Core v0.8.0-beta-2
There is a primitive directory implementation for publishing, finding and befriending identities.
directory.find(search: string): [DirectoryEntry]
directory.publish(uid: Buffer(32))
direcotry.friendRequest(uid: Buffer(32), entry: DirectoryEntry)
Wish Cli reads the available API from the core it connects to using the methods
request. It is partially self documenting and can be enumerated using the help()
All commands have the form some.command(arg1, arg2, argn, callback?: (err, data) => {})
, where callback
is optional. If no callback is given the answer will be stored in the global variable result
Example command sequence:
identity.create('John Doe')
uid = result.uid // store uid for later use
direcotry.find('My Friend') // will print result, if any
Create an identity with wish-cli
identity.create('John Andersson')
identity.list(): [Identity]
identity.remove(uid: Buffer(32)): boolean
Update identity alias
or meta data
identity.update(uid, { alias: 'John Doe' });
identity.update(uid, { telephone: '+358 80 123 1234', BCH: '1kdshfvnksdvjhnfsdkjfvnhsklf', dateOfBirth: '1982-05-05' });
Delete meta data. With an exception with alias
which cannot be deleted.
identity.update(uid, { dateOfBirth: null, telephone: null });
CORE=9090 # connect to core on localhost at port 9090, default is 9094