This packages houses dependencies on ROOT.
The policy on ROOT for the Wire-Cell Toolkit is as follows:
- dependency on ROOT shall be a compile time option for building WCT.
- the core Wire-Cell Toolkit libraries shall have no dependencies on ROOT.
- the core packages shall have no dependencies on ROOT.
- tests of core libraries may depend on root (but shall exist outside core packages).
- non-core WCT components may depend on root (but shall exist outside core libraries).
- the
should not be used as a compile time package by other (non core) WCT packages.
Core packages are currently defined as: apps, cfg, dfp, gen, iface, img, pgraph, ress, sigproc, sio, tbb, util.
Initially, WCT had a more relaxed policy. Specifically this held true:
- ROOT dependencies were allowed for tests in any package (a separate lib, app and test dependency tree is supported by WCT’s build system).
- The
package was not considered core and had a mix of ROOT and non-ROOT.
A refactoring campaign has started with the creation of this package to reach the desired policy. It consists of the following actions:
- Creation of
- Move of any test depending on root to this package.
- Move of any library component to this package or another.
- Move of components include a change of C++ namespace and header locations.