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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 4, 2023. It is now read-only.
David Leoni edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 9 revisions

Welcome to Wiki2Map wiki!

This wiki holds documentation for developers.

For generic info, see Project description

Development guidelines

Create issues before coding

for each feature you intend to implement, before coding first create an issue and describe the problem. Often this process helps finding further problems. Remember to tag the issue, main tags we use are

- `enhancement`: new functionality
- `bug`: fixes a problem
- `maintenance`: improvements that don't affect functionality, like testing, documentation, performance

When you do commit, reference the issue you're dealing with a hash followed by the issue , like improved parser for #1

If possible, create a branch for each issue you're dealing with. After the issue is implemented, merge the branch into master with a commit like Closes #1. Once pushed, it will automatically close the issue.

Format the branch name like en12-implement-tooltips, that is, prepend each branch name with a label for its category, followed by the issue number you're dealing with. Separate words with hyphens. Possible labels: - en if it is an enhancement - ma if it is maintenance - bug if it fixes a bug

Document code

If you adopt some development practice (i.e. you write scripts for building the project), please write in this wiki how to use it

When some feature is yet to be implemented in the code, please raise an explicit error with TODO written inside and that references the issue, like


which has the merit to stop the execution, and is easily searchable in the code thanks to the TODO

DO NOT write stuff like

console.out("I should do something")

It is hard to debug and difficult to find with search in the code.

Technology to use

TODO decide

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