The tarteaucitron cookie manager packaged in a WordPress plugin.
- PHP 8.1
- WordPress 6.3
Download the latest package from releases and install it via WordPress plugin admin menu.
- Upon activation this plugin will load tarteaucitron-script javascript with default tarteaucitron parameters. Settings can be configured via the WPtarteaucitron item in tools menu.
- To add required services follow the services step in the tarteaucitron installation guide accordingly.
Open an issue for technical problems.
Past, last & unreleased changes can be found in the changelog
Let's stay organised : open an issue and discuss with project maintainer before submitting a pull request.
- Developed in Normandy, France @ Manche Numérique
- Coded with care by William Mead (AKA the Hacking Hipster)
- tarteaucitron cookie management system scripts by Amauri Champeaux
- Code contributions : Schneider Clément
Follow standard WordPress plugin localization techniques and submit a pull request.
- This plugin is available under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. See the LICENSE file for a full copy of the license.
- The tarteaucitron cookie manager scripts are available under the MIT license.