🔭 I’m currently working on TDO Hub for my own group
🌱 I’m currently learning Cyber Security, Vue.js, C#, Ruby, Unreal Engine
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ASC_Token
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://davidbisky.tk/cv
📝 I regularly write articles on https://davidbisky.tk/blog
⚡ Fun fact Delightful/lovely person
💬 Ask me about interests, technical skills or education
📄 Know about my experiences:
- Tools: Figma, Git, Chef, Jenkins, Consul, Graylog, HashicorpVault&Terraform
- Database Management: Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Languages: HTML/CSS/JS, SCSS, PHP, React, Vue.js, C++
- Cloud-Based Technologies: Cloudflare, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS/Google Cloud Platform
- Research & Planning: Agile/Kanban Methodologies
- 💻 Hardware: MSI Prestige 14 B13-M EVO (non AI) & Mac Studio