This application is simple authorizations server written in node.js. It utilizes node-oidc-provider package under the hood, which creates oauth service to log in. This project is written in DDD and uses extremally strict eslint, which will force you to write code with my style. If you are planning on working with this app, please make sure if current eslint rules are good for you.
TLDR: 0. Key packages
- Express - server
- Helmet - security
- Swagger - docs
- Node-oidc - oauth service
- Mongo - database
- Redis - cache
npm install / yarn
This project uses 3 config files, which are located in /config folder. This project includes exampleConfig, which you can replicate
- devConfig.json
- prodConfig.json
- testConfig.json
DevConfig will be used, if you run your application with NODE_ENV=development. This config should be used while working on this application
ProdConfig will be used, if you run your application with NODE_ENV=production. This should be used in production env
TestConfig will be used, if you run your application on dev servers. This config only differs from production, that in code it will log debug logs and should connect to dev database.
Example dev config:
"port": 5003,
"mongoURL": "mongodb://login:[email protected]:27017",
"redisURL": "redis://:password@localhost:6379",
"myAddress": "http://localhost:5003",
"corsOrigin": ["http://localhost:5004"],
"frontUrl": "http://localhost:3005",
"session": {
"secret": "secret",
"secured": true
In this example, I am running frontend client on 3005, backend on 5004 and this server on 5003. Those adrees are used by helmet for security and cors related stuff. Make sure, that they are correct, otherwise login system might not work, or you'll have tons of cors related problems.
frontUrl is a frontend address, used to correctly move users around
This project uses mongoDB, which will create databases by itself, but in order to start, you need basic data in mentioned database. While running dockerized version of this app for the first time. It will run migrations on its own. If you are planning on using this project as is, you need to migrate data on your own. Make sure that config files are correct and run:
npm run migrate:dev / yarn migrate:dev
This will trigger migrations, which will create basic oidc client. This client will have basic password and example information. In order to make this application work, you need to edit those connections.
Default user is:
"client_id": "oidcClient",
"client_secret": "randomlyGeneratedPassword",
"grant_types": [ "authorization_code", "refresh_token" ],
"scope": "openid",
"redirect_uris": [ "http://localhost/login" ],
"post_logout_redirect_uris": [ "http://localhost" ]
I'll assume that you already know how oauth works. Make sure to change:
- client_secret = This is super basic password and this NEED to be replaced
- scope = Scope will only allow you to log in. Another scoped and grants are already included in claims. Make sure that you modify this to you needs
- redirect_uris = This is an url, where you want your user to be redirected after login in.
- post_logout_redirect_uris = This is an url, there you want your user to be redirected after logging out
Example data, that I use on dev server
"client_id": "oidcClient",
"client_secret": "randomlyGeneratedPassword",
"grant_types": [
"scope": "openid profile",
"redirect_uris": [
"post_logout_redirect_uris": [
"__v": 0
npm run build / yarn build
If you even encounter strange build behavior, tsconfig is set to create build with cache. Set option incremental
in tsConfig to false
Makefile already includes command to build docker
~/.cache/"package.json -> productName"/logs
~/AppData/Roaming/"package.json -> productName"/logs
yarn tests = run all tests
yarn tests:e2e = run 'end to end' tests
yarn tests:db = run 'database' tests
yarn tests:unit = run 'unit' tests
yarn test:watch = run tests in 'watch' mode
At the time of writing, tons of tests are missing. This application does not include tests for logging in, because I do not have time to learn cypress/pupettier to test it, its not done. You can contribute to this project by adding your code. There should be open issue related to this.
This project includes readliness probe and liveness probe. They can be used by k8s, or other software. One probe creates files called .livenessProbe and updates it every 10 seconds, while other probe, utilizes /health route.
This project is using swagger docs. You can access them by route http://localhost:{port}/docs.
Additional docs can be found here
Your can find sample websites in /public. Their styling is extremally basic, but add data is included
- Keys rotation
Keys rotation in this project should be run once per 2 weeks. AddPrivateKey method in redis is expecting only 2 keys in redis without TTL on them. Keep this in mind if you plan on rotating keys. Otherwise, just ignore this message