Delegation need to be handled with care.
The person delegation his/her work has to:
- validate his/her identity by digital signing the delegation.
- specify what type of work should be delegated.
- specify who (other user or group of users) is authorized to do the work.
The delegation service will also facilitate revisions/audits of active delegations. Partikular care has to be taken when the person delegating tasks change work responsibilities or leave his/her position.
More about project from icc : (swedish)
More about the solution: (swedish)
Below are sequence diagrams that describes two operations of the application. The other operations follow these examples also.
To build the project, two other components must available in the maven-library: oppna-program-icc and monitoring-schemas.
These are under git repo: Under this path, run a maven build / install: Bygg oppna-program-icc\service-descriptions\authorization-delegation-schemas\tags\authorization-delegation-schemas-1.0.7\
And, also, build:
Is part of Västra Götaland's commitment to open source under the Öppna Program project.