####What is this program about?#### This program includes a driver for the corsair k70rgb keyboard and a toolbox to write your own programs for the background lights.
The base of the program is the linux driver of CalcProgrammer1 (https://github.com/CalcProgrammer1). His work is used to controll the LED Lights by an java program which interprets costum programs written in a json-syntax. So its now easier for non developer to write color effects without deep knowledge of programming.
- You have to install a java jre (see google how to get JAVA JRE if you haven't install it yet)
- start the java program by executing the "CorsairColorManager.jar" or by console with: "java -jar CorsairColorManager.jar"
- sometimes the keyboard has issues with access to the device. try ls-usb and set CHMOD on the right /dev/ to fix it temporally
####Know issues / todos:####
- only tested with linux. windows still have issues.
- sometimes problems with device access
####Greetings#### Special thanks to:
- CalcProgrammer1 (https://github.com/CalcProgrammer1) for his excellent work with the linux driver
- The corsair forum community for inspiration and discussions
To write a new program in json you just need some meta information and some color-change rules.
A program for the RGB-keyboard is a json object including a list of rules. Eg. this simple program sets the color of the keys: "W","A","S" and "D":
"colorMixingRule": "OVERRIDE",
"startAction" : "setRed",
"rules": [
"type": "SetColor",
"delay": "1000",
"color": "ff0000ff",
"alias": "setRed",
"keys": ["W","A","S","D"],
"doAfter" : []
A program can have the following parameters:
Key | Values |
startAction | The name of the first rule to execute after program starts (program entry point) |
groups | You can define a group as a set of keys. You can later use the groups in your rules to handle your keys |
rules | Contains a list of available rules (json objects) |
colorMixingRule (default OVERRIDE) | Describe howto handle if 2 colors are set for one key. Currently only OVERRIDE is implemented. |
Every rule has one or more colors specified. A color is definied by an 6 or 8 Character long string representing the color in a RGB-scheme. Eg. the color orange can be defined by:
red | green | blue | alpha |
FF | AA | 00 | FF |
The alpha value is optional. Default is FF (=255 = 100% visible). If you have 2 colors on different layers the alpha value can used to create half transparent layers.
Every rule can have the following parameters:
Key | Values |
alias | The name of the rule (for references) |
keys [] Strings | A list of keys or groups who are effected by this rule |
doAfter [] Strings | List of rule names executed after this current rule has finished |
delay int | milliseconds until the doAfter-rules are executed |
layer int (1-5) | defines the layer of this rule (1-5). Each key can have up to 5 layers (1-5). Every layer can have a color. Layer 1 is in the background, Layer 5 in the foreground |
This rule simply set a color of some keys;
Key | Values |
color | The color to set in hexadezimal RedGreenBlueAlpha |
This rule create a line. Every effected key will be displayed for a short time and all given keys will be handled sequenced.
Key | Values |
lineColor | The color of the current key |
backgroundColor | The to set when the key disappear |
keyShowDuration int (milliseconds) | The time in milliseconds a single key will be shown |
keyInterval int (milliseconds) | time (ms) until the next key in line will be shown |
Animate a color transfer between to colors (linear change by rgb values)
Key | Values |
startColor | The start color |
endColor | The color after the animated fade |
duration int (milliseconds) | the duration of the color transformation |
Animate a color transfer between to colors based on the HSV Color wheel model. The color transfer animated by degree change.
Key | Values |
startColor | The start color |
endColor | The color after the animated fade |
duration int (milliseconds) | the duration of the color transformation |
This rule react on a key input. It executes the doAfterRule if one of the keys defined in the key list is pressed. You can use "$PRESSED" as a variable in the doAfterKeyRules. This variable will be filled with pressed key. (currently only one the rules after the OnKeyPress-rule will replace the variable).
Key | Values |
cancelOld | if true, the old thread will be stopped if it has not finished yet |