This library is a nice interface around several python machine learning libraries. In particular:
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- numpy
- nltk
First, you need to create a feature selector (StopWordsSelector, TFIDFSelector) and then feed the selector to the model you are going to use (e.g. SVM, NaiveBayes, CART...). For example:
from classifier import selectors, models, kernels
selector = selectors.TFIDFDecorator(selectors.StopWordsDecorator(selectors.BasicSelector()))
model = models.SVM(feature_selector=selector, kernel=kernels.GaussianKernel(), C=20)
Thanks to the decorator design pattern, you can chain several feature extraction techniques into each other to get a desired combination of feature selection.
There is currently one concrete selector (BasicSelector) and several selector decorators. For example TFIDFDecorator, StopWordsDecorator, LSIDecorator or ChiSquaredDecorator. See classifier/ for documentation of the interface.
Only 3 models are currently implemented. NaiveBayesModel, SVMModel and CARTModel. There is also a BaselineModel that always predict the most common label. See classifier/ for more information and documentation of the interface.