Releases: VD171/VD-Infos
Releases · VD171/VD-Infos
New Beta: Version 1.11-beta6
- Added details about how all info has been gathered.
- Removed root detector and related contents.
- Splitted reading info into sections.
- Added option to see elapsed time for each section.
- Removed toybox binaries.
- Removed some details in layout.
- Removed Memory info.
- Added many content included in TIRAMISU.
- Added VPN state detector.
- Added simple LSPosed detector.
- Added export configs to XPL-EX (XPrivacyLua Extended).
- Added WebView info.
- Added other two ways for reading Google Ads Id.
- Added Android Ads Id.
- Added Location info.
- Added TimeZone info and Locale info.
- Added GPU info.
- Added more system and build props.
- Added exposable redundant device settings.
- Added DRM ID.
- Added Boot ID.
- Added Stat Keychain files info.
- Added whole PackageManager info.
- Added whole TelephonyManager info.
- Added Connection info.
- Added more info of networks.
- Added Environment info.
- Added firstInstallTime and lastUpdateTime.
- Simplified exceptions handling.
- Simplified Build Date info.
- Added getDefaultUserAgent.
- Added more info of SIM.
- Supressed version name of reading packages.
- Added more info of BUILDs.
- Added raw GSF ID.
- Added more info of Android ID.
- Added more info of Telephony.
- Added CPUINFO ("cat" and file).
- Added Bluetooth Name info.
- Added "This Package" info, it show how the app see itself.
- Added Signatures of apps.
- Added run of many common shell commands.
- Added Installer PackageName and Install SourceInfo of apps.
- Added many PackageManager's methods to detect installed apps, like: canPackageQuery, checkPermission, checkSignatures, getActivityBanner, getActivityIcon, getActivityInfo, getActivityLogo, getAllPermissionGroups, getApplicationBanner, getApplicationEnabledSetting, getApplicationIcon, getApplicationInfo, getApplicationLogo, getChangedPackages, getInstalledModules, getInstrumentationInfo, getLaunchIntentForPackage, getLaunchIntentSenderForPackage, getLeanbackLaunchIntentForPackage, getModuleInfo, getNameForUid, getPackageArchiveInfo, getPackageGids, getPackageInfo, getPackagesForUid, getPackagesHoldingPermissions, getPackageUid, getPermissionGroupInfo, getPermissionInfo, getPreferredActivities, getPreferredPackages, getProperty, getProviderInfo, getReceiverInfo, getResourcesForActivity, getResourcesForApplication, getServiceInfo, getSyntheticAppDetailsActivityEnabled, getTargetSdkVersion, getWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions, hasSigningCertificate, hasSystemFeature, isAutoRevokeWhitelisted, isInstantApp, isPackageSuspended, queryActivityProperty, queryApplicationProperty, queryBroadcastReceivers, queryContentProviders, queryInstrumentation, queryIntentActivities, queryIntentActivityOptions, queryIntentContentProviders, queryIntentServices, queryPermissionsByGroup, queryProviderProperty, queryReceiverProperty, queryServiceProperty, resolveActivity, resolveContentProvider, resolveService, setAutoRevokeWhitelisted.
New Release: Version 1.10
- Updated target to Android 12 (SDK 31).
- Added protected permissions. (PS: you need this to be sure those permissions are NEVER given.)
- Added REGION section.
- Added TYPE section.
- Added BUILD DATE section.
- Added HOST section.
- Added SECURITY PATCH section.
- Added SYSTEM VERSION section.
- Added ANDROID VERSION section.
- Added MARKET NAME section.
- Added ENCRYPTION section.
- Added BOOTLOADER section.
- Added MEMORY section.
- Added KERNEL section.
- Added DEVICE NAME section.
- Increased HARDWARE section.
- Fixed PRODUCT section.
- Fixed SELINUX section and detection.
- Added other ways to read Bluetooth MAC.
- Added other ways to read Wi-Fi MAC.
- Added other ways to read BRAND.
- Added other ways to read DEVICE.
- Added other ways to read DISPLAY ID.
- Added other ways to read FINGERPRINT.
- Added other ways to read IMEI.
- Added other ways to read KEYS.
- Added other ways to read MANUFACTURER.
- Added other ways to read MODEL.
- Added other ways to read PRODUCT.
- Added other ways to read HARDWARE.
- Added other ways to read RADIO.
- Added other ways to read SERIAL.
- Added other ways to read Phone and SIM cards infos.
- Added multiple ways to read build and system properties.
- Added multiple ways to search for files.
- Added multiple ways to read files.
- Now detecting UNLOCKED bootloader in ROOT section.
- Increased search for LSPosed and LSPosed Manager.
- Increased search for MOUNT INFOS.
- Increased search for PATHS.
- Increased precision search inside /PROC.
- Heavily increased search inside /PROC.
- Suppressed some unwanted details from some detections.
New Release: Version 1.09
- Fixed target to Android 11 (SDK 30). Apk size is now 3,84 MB.
- Fixed Save to File on Android 11 (SDK 30).
- Supressed warning for permission MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.
- Updated Toybox to v0.8.5.
- Set "Simple Root Check" as default.
- Fixed DEVICE section.
- Increased PRODUCT section.
- Added DISPLAY ID section.
- Increased BUILDs section.
- Increased search inside /sdcard/Android/media.
- Increased search for Magisk, Riru, EdXposed and LSPosed.
- Heavily increased search for LSPosed.
- Heavily increased search inside /data/adb.
New Release: Version 1.08
- Fully renamed from "VD Informations" to "VD Infos".
- Fully renamed from "com.vitaodoidao.vdinformacoes" to "com.vitaodoidao.vdinfos".
- Fully compatible with Android 11 (SDK 30). (Thanks to @doggydog2 and @batlayo)
- Removed the app name from the home title.
- Change the expression "Radio" to "Radio/Modem/Baseband".
- Updated links to XDA.
- Removed all string values from xml files.
- Fixed open link in the menu list.
- Result content reorganized.
- Changed all long toasts to short.
- Fixed exceptions for reading calls.
- Fixed exceptions for reading WiFi.
- Fixed exceptions for reading Radio/Modem/Baseband.
- Supressed unwanted result for Android 9+ (SDK 29+): unknown SERIAL.
- Unhappy app size increased to 3,12 MB due to the latest SDK and build tools.
- Added option to do a SIMPLE Root Check (fast and quickly).
- Fixed Save to File for Android 9 and Android 10.
- Disabled button for Save to File if is on Android 11+ (SDK 30+).
- Improved method of detection of Magisk TMPFS.
- Improved try and catch for each method and parsing of fails or nulled results.
- Added all LSposed classes names for detection.
- Added all VirtualXposed classes names for detection.
- Added search for /data/magisk_backup.
- Improved search for folders, binaries and files inside /data/adb.
- Improved search for folders, binaries and files inside /data/local.
- Improved search for folders, binaries and files inside /sdcard/Android.
- Improved search for folders, binaries and files inside /sbin/.magisk.
- Improved functions of Riru detection.
- Improved searching of folders, binaries and files.
New Release: Version 1.06
- Added all xposed classes names for detection.
- Implemented function to detect xposed on stack trace of exceptions.
- Implemented function to detect root on /dev.
- Implemented function to detect xposed using dex class loader.
- Implemented function to detect apps from sources of installed packages.
- Supressed unwanted details of detected infos.
- Heavily increased lists for detection of classes, applications/packages and files/binaries.
- Added button to stop actual action.
- Added action to expand and unexpand each content.
- Added confirmation dialog before to stop actual action.
- Splitted methods for root detection.