The idea behind this project is to create a Gameboy emulator using modern development techniques including:
- Latest features of Javascript yet being able to backport it to previous versions (thanks Typescript!)
- Reactive principles (yes RxJS I'm looking at you!)
- Proper multithreading with WebWorkers
- WebAudio API (when possible)
- WebGL (when possible)
- A nice debugger outside of the emulator we can be attached to
And why not, when doing personal non-profit projects like this one we expect to:
- Learn the low-level internals of the Gameboy
- Approach the development a very pedadogical experience for others. Aka give something back to the community
- And last but not least have fun coding!
- Run "npm install" at the command-line from the root of the project (where the package.json file lives).
- Run "npm start" at the command-line. This will compile all of the TypeScript files and generate .js and .map (for debugging) files. A watcher will also be created to monitor any changes in the .ts files. Leave the command-window open while doing development work.
- Open the project folder in VS Code ( or another editor.