pip install -e .
To get modules setup
Clone into root directory
Then, copy over MedSAM's Mask Decoder from their site into mask_decoder.py
Then, change into the MobileSAM directory and do pip install -e .
sudo kill -9 (PID HERE AFTER LOOKING AT nvidia-smi)
Viewing logs- tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs
Setup your environment using the files under /config
For all tests, relevant versions must be stored under /lightning_logs
runs tests on the model described in the checkpoint path. Uncomment only of the models and the 4 associated YAMLs at a time to run experiments for all dataset configurations. For custom dataset configurations, comment out relevant datasets under DATASET CONFIGURATIONS
To run tests on model ensembles, run python -m training.lightning_trainers.ensemble_model
after editing the model type here. Checkpoints used are described in ensemble models' main method in /training/lightning_trainers/ensemble_model.py
Test time for inference using /training/time_testing.ipynb
Training is based off of model configs. All model configs for each model can be used for training. There are separate model configs for each model only for the respective test sets, but training should be the same.
To train, run one of the commands in command.sh
. To run even after exiting terminal, run the bash file as nohup trainer.sh &
instead, or run each individual command in the terminal using nohup
in a similar manner.
These commands can also be customized, for example, python -m training.cli fit --config ./training/config.yml --data.batch_size=5 --trainer.fast_dev_run=True --ckpt_path=./lightning_logs/version_8/checkpoints/epoch=49-step=350.ckpt
This command uses cli.py, the relevant config files under /training/training_configs
, and the models under /training/lighting_trainers
and /training/models
To convert exported Label Studio projects and files to PNGs, run ls_export_to_multiclass.py.
If so, the associated exported PNGs and JSON must be stored in the /data/raw
folder, and must be matched to the participant and type of project by editing these lines.
To obtain extracted frames from raw videos, run video_to_img_sorter.py
. The videos should be stored in /data/videos
in the /videos/Test_Subject_{subjectnumber}/{View}
format. For example, videos stored under /videos/Test_Subject_1/Top_View
and /videos/Test_Subject_1/Top_View
are accepted. Video names should following the {activity type}_{gloves or no gloves}_{green screen if relevant}.mp4
. For example, J_GL_G.mp4
and J_NG.mp4
are acceptable.
To produce the dataset of replacing the green screen with images using the Label Studio raw project files, run replace_green.py
. Note: you must edit these lines to match the Label Studio files (JSON and PNG export) in /data/raw
to the participants and view type.
Return Cohen's Kappa on the dataset by running /data/covert_scripts/cohens_kappa.ipynb
Obtain tensorboard data in charts and tables using tb_to_csv.ipynb
. Make sure the paths to the versions you want to use under /lightning_logs
are updated correctly. The ones used for test results by the authors are updated.
After running the above, all images should be saved in /data/images
and all labels in /data/Labels
. These can also be done by just copying in the files from the uploaded dataset, skipping the video and Label Studio raw steps.
- The images directory should have an id, ood, and replaced_green_screen folder for each participant
- each participant in the Labels folder should have a By_1 and By_2 folder that each have a id and ood folder, respectively
Dataloaders and lightning module is in /training/dataloaders/
. Random transformations are in dataloader.py
Lightning trainers run are in /training/lightning_trainers
. These can all be run through the cli as described above with tester.sh
, but these files are here for adjusting metrics. Many of the methods for the models are inhereted from lightning_model.py. The UNet model is trained directly using lightning_model.py
, and the other models such as MobileSAM and BiSeNetv2 inherit from this, and also change some of these methods in their respective child classes.
includes the predictive entropy metric and draft of adaptive_calibration_error.
is used for brainstorming and quick analysis. Nothing useful for final results here.