Create a "ros-humble-ros1-bridge" package for augre_msgs that can be used within Ubuntu 22.02 ROS2 Humble.
First, clone the repository:
Then, clone any custom messages into ros1_ws and ros2_ws folders within the repository (with their respective ROS versions).
My folders look like: ros1-bridge-augre-msgs -ros1_ws --src ---augre_msgs -ros2_ws --augre_msgs
(NOTE: the file structure is different to download some ROS1 augre_msgs dependencies)
cd ros1-bridge-augre-msgs
# By default, ros-tutorals support will be built: (bridging the ros-humble-example-interfaces package)
docker build . -t ros1-bridge-augre-msgs
0.) Start from the latest Ubuntu 22.04 ROS 2 Humble Desktop system, create the "ros-humble-ros1-bridge/" ROS2 package:
cd ~/
apt update; apt upgrade
apt -y install ros-humble-desktop
docker run --rm ros1-bridge-augre-msgs | tar xvzf -
1.) Create an augre docker:
rocker --x11 --user --home --privileged \
--volume /dev/shm /dev/shm --network=host -- augre_docker \
'bash -c "sudo apt update; sudo apt install -y tilix; tilix"'
You may need to install rocker first:
sudo apt install python3-rocker
Note: It's important to share the host's network and the /dev/shm/
directory with the container.
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
You will also need to source a workspace with built ROS2 augre_msgs or it won't work.
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source ~/ros-humble-ros1-bridge/install/local_setup.bash
source ~/ros1-bridge-augre-msgs/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge
*Note: We need to source local_setup.bash
and NOT setup.bash
because the bridge was compiled in a docker container that may have different underlay locations. Besides, we don't need to source these underlays in the host system again.
Right now, I've been having to build the afc_ws within the docker container--this should be fixed eventually.
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
source ~/afc_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch afc_demos full_demo.launch
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
And run your corresponding nodes.