Releases: US-CBP/cbp-theme
Carousel component addition
Upgrade to Babel 7, New File Upload form elements, Removal of chokidar as peerDependency
Upgrades to Babel 7 & core-js 3.0.1 and other modules., along with the removal of chokidar as a peerDependency. And added two new File Upload form elements.
What's New:
Biggest changes:
Upgrade to Babel 7 & the addition of Core-JS version 3.0.1.
*** Please read possible Major Breaking Changes before upgrading to our newest build version 1.10.4.
(First thing is to make sure using Node.js version 8 or newer. )
Babel 7:
Core-js@3: &
Also, there is a new 'upgrade-tool' we highly recommend using for updating to Babel 7,
Note: There were other more minor updates for modules that can be seen @ , within the package.json file change details.
#271 cbp-theme .app-header position on window scroll not matching app directory's functionality
#270 Issue75
#257 chokidar should be devDependency
#75 input type file needs :focus style
September 25 2018
- .npmrc to not conflict with internal registry
- Updated Roboto-Font-Face library to latest version
- Removed extraneous fonts from the build
- Woff supports major browser including IE11
- Woff2 does not support IE 11
- #222: Fixing Security Vulnerability Reported
- #232: Buttons are not aligned correctly when in the app header
- #231: Labels that are also links need to preserve the original colors
- #236: Proper word wrap for tooltip
- #169: Default background color
- Gray coloring are hard-coded instead of using percentages.
- Added variable $gray-medium.
April 26 2018
- New build process
- Upgraded to jQuery v3.3.1
For upgrade guidance visit
Changed webpack to rollup for ES6 consumers producing flat ESM5 modules , UMD andUMD` browsers consumers.
Converted IIFE code to re-executable initialization/setup steps.
Produce auto-prefixed CSS for different browser vendors. No need to write vendor prefixed CSS.
Produce maps for the minified CSS contents tracing to SCSS files for reference.
Only production builds are minimzed/uglified leaving Development builds good for debugging.
Upgraded jquery.inputmask to latest inputmask
Produce build distribution for multiple consumers:-
- Browser consumers with script tag with everything included
- ES6 project consumers with rollup or webpack build consumers i.e. ESM5 consumers
- Browser consumers with script tag À_la_carte option - you bring your own version of MDL, Bootstrap, Polyfills, Material Select Field etc.
Upgraded to Bootstrap v3.3.7
- #187,#188: Modified button padding to fix askew issue in both Chrome/IE
- #195: Datepicker with Placeholder Label
- #196: Char Limit displays correct count with any input/deletion
- #165: App Header does not wraps
- #198: Navbar default text color is now #333
Upgrade Guide
is nowcbp-theme.browser.bundle.umd.js
is nowcbp-theme-inputmask.umd.js
Updating the mdl card border opacity
v1.8.1 1.8.1
Adding toggle switch options
Adding New Brand Cards Pattern
New styles and markup for brand cards