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ou zheng edited this page Apr 23, 2023 · 5 revisions

UCF SST CitySim Dataset Format


The UCF SST CitySim dataset contains vehicle trajectories captured using drone videos. The videos were captured at 30 frames per second. Each row in the trajectory dataset represents a vehicle waypoint at a single frame in the video. Additionally, the dataset describes the rotation-aware vehicle bounding box in each row.

The following table describes the trajectory CSV columns and states their respective units.

Name Description Unit
frameNum Frame number of the vehicle waypoint captured at 30 frames per second -
carId Vehicle unique identifier that remains consistent for all vehicle waypoints across the entire video -
carCenterX Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box center point Pixel
carCenterY Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box center point Pixel
headX Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box front center point Pixel
headY Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box front center point Pixel
tailX Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box rear center point Pixel
tailY Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box rear center point Pixel
boundingBox1X Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Pixel
boundingBox1Y Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Pixel
boundingBox2X Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 2 Pixel
boundingBox2Y Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 2 Pixel
boundingBox3X Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 3 Pixel
boundingBox3Y Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 3 Pixel
boundingBox4X Pixel x-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 4 Pixel
boundingBox4Y Pixel y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 4 Pixel
carCenterXft X-coordinate of vehicle bounding box center point in feet Feet
carCenterYft Y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box center point in feet Feet
headXft X-coordinate of vehicle bounding box front center point in feet Feet
headYft Y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box front center point in feet Feet
tailXft X-coordinate of vehicle bounding box rear center point in feet Feet
tailYft Y-coordinate of vehicle bounding box rear center point in feet Feet
boundingBox1Xft X -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 in feet Feet
boundingBox1Yft Y -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 in feet Feet
boundingBox2Xft X -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 2 in feet Feet
boundingBox2Yft Y -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 2 in feet Feet
boundingBox3Xft X -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 3 in feet Feet
boundingBox3Yft Y -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 3 in feet Feet
boundingBox4Xft X-coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 4 in feet Feet
boundingBox4Yft Y -coordinate of vehicle bounding box vertex 4 in feet Feet
carCenterLat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box center point Degrees
carCenterLon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box center point Degrees
headLat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box front center point Degrees
headLon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box front center point Degrees
tailLat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box rear center point Degrees
tailLon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box rear center point Degrees
boundingBox1Lat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox1Lon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox2Lat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox2Lon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox3Lat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox3Lon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox4Lat* Global latitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
boundingBox4Lon* Global longitude of vehicle bounding box vertex 1 Degrees
speed Vehicle waypoint speed Miles per Hour
heading Vehicle waypoint heading relative to the global North Degrees
course Vehicle waypoint heading relative to the image coordinate X-axis Degrees
laneId Waypoint lane number according to the supplementary lane map -

*Only provided for US-based locations

X/Y-Coordinate System

The pixel coordinate system is displayed in the image below.

Vehicle Point Features

The vehicle center, head, tail, and bounding box vertices locations are described in figure below.

  • Bounding box point 1 describes the front right vehicle corner
  • Bounding box point 2 describes the rear right vehicle corner
  • Bounding box point 3 describes the rear left vehicle corner
  • Bounding box point 4 describes the front left vehicle corner

Lane IDs

A lane map file (lanes.png) is provided for each location to describe the lane numbers.

Base Map

Apart from the trajectory data, the CitySim dataset also provides simulation model for the corresponding location. The simulation model contains road network for microscopic traffic simulation software SUMO and automated driving software CARLA, which are both open-source simulators. The road network is built based on GIS data, and 3D high-fidelity architectures are embedded for the CARLA base map. Driving behavior model can be calibrated using the trajectories to produce realistic traffic flow in SUMO, and the calibrated model can be used for microscopic safety analysis or signal optimization. The CARLA base map enables researchers to conduct automated driving research including perception, CAV control in mixed traffic, etc.


Sumo is an open-source microscopic traffic simulation software that provides powerful functions for simulating traffic flow. The Sumo model released in the dataset contains the road network file (.net.xml file) of the video location and its surrounding vicinity.


CARLA is an open-source automated driving simulator built on Unreal Engine 4. The maps can be imported to CARLA to generate a digital world of the video location. It enables the researchers to conduct automated driving study including sensor simulation and CAV control algorithm, etc.

Signal Timing

The signal data CSV file provides event level data. Each record in the signal data represents a change in one of the signals. The data is represented by eight different digits that corresponds to different signal phases at an intersection. The eight digits show whether the signal phase is red (r), yellow (y), or green (g). Furthermore, the event start time and duration were calculated based on the start frame and end frame corresponding to the recorded videos and trajectory data. The following table describes the signal CSV file columns and their respective units.

Name Description Unit
startFrame Signal event start frame -
eventDuration Signal event duration in seconds Seconds
SBL Southbound left turn signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
SBT Southbound through signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
WBL Westbound left turn signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
WBT Westbound through signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
NBL Northbound left turn signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
NBT Northbound through signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
EBL Eastbound left turn signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -
EBT Eastbound through signal phase (‘r’: red, ‘y’: yellow, ‘g’: green) -

Signal Labels

A signal image file (signals.png) file is provided for each signalized intersection location to label the signals in the intersection.


The metadata CSV file contains information about the drone video recordings used to extract the vehicle trajectories. The following table describes the metadata CSV file columns and their respective units.

Name Description Unit
fileName File name -
frameSizeX Pixel x-coordinate frame size Pixel
frameSizeY Pixel y-coordinate frame size Pixel
recordingFrameRate Frame rate of the drone video used to extract the trajectories Frames Per Second
totalFrames Total number of frames in the file -
recordingTime Recording time of the file (hh:mm) -
duration Duration of the file Seconds

Supplementary Material

Each location contains 2 supplementary images: background.png and lanes.png. Signalized intersection locations additionally contain a signals.png file.

The background.png image is an aerial shot of the location with all the vehicles removed. It can be used for visualization purposes.

The lanes.png file describe the laneId values used in the trajectory CSV files.

The signals.png file describe the signals in the intersection.