Execute script on a single iDRAC
Get-PCIDeviceInventory.ps1 -idrac_ip "" -idrac_username "root" -idrac_password "calvin"
Loop through text file and execute script for each iDRAC
$InventoryAll = @()
foreach ($iDRAC in Get-Content "C:\Temp\hosts.txt") {
$Inventory = & "./PowerShell/Get-PCIDeviceInventory.ps1" -idrac_ip $iDRAC -idrac_username "root" -idrac_password "calvin"
# Parse Output
foreach ($Line in $Inventory) {
if ($Line.CardName -match "X710") {
Write-Host "Match found for $($iDRAC)"
$Line | Format-List
# Export to CSV
$Inventory | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\$($iDRAC).csv" -NoTypeInformation
# Create CSV with inventory from all hosts
$InventoryAll += $Inventory
# Print to Console
#$InventoryAll | Format-Table
# Export to CSV
$InventoryAll | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\PCIInventory.csv" -NoTypeInformation
This code is provided as-is and currently not officially supported by Dell EMC.
Copyright Dell EMC