I technologize everywhere on Earth (and beyond - I did work with sattelites 📡)
- 🔭 As CTO and Co-Founder of Kima.Finance, I’m currently working on delivering a decentralized money transfer and interoperability protocol.
- ⚒️ I also consult through my company Traveling Tech Guy LLC.
- 💬I'm an avid crypto and blockchain enthusiast, and built several successful projects - check out ComicBoxels!
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I’m learning React Native and Solidity- done! I'm now learning Go, and maybe later Rust. - 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on crypto initiatives, but open to any new idea.
- 🗣️ Ask me about traveling the world, and delivering tech services on 4 continents.
- ⚡ Fun fact: the word ‘time’ is the most commonly used noun in English.