Scripts and data files for reproducing the publication results
The core of the study is the CCLE index built by Reindeer, comprising 1019 samples. It is too large to be stored here (236 GB). A better way is to ask us to transfer it to you. But if you want build your own CCLE index, here is the procedure.
NB: this procedure is suited to Reindeer V 1.02 or earlier.
- download all 1019 fastq files (11 TB), the sra-CCLE_metadata.tsv file contain the list and links to download the selection of fastq files.
- trim the fastq with
cutadatp -q 10,10 -m 31 -p out2.fastq in1.fastq in2.fastq
- build the index (prefer --disk-mode) using trimmed fastq:
reindeer --index --disk-query -f fof.unitigs.fa
- in the index directory, create a tsv (tab-separated) file named fos.txt. It must contain the list of the samples in the first column and the normalized value of the sample (computed using the kmer number of the fastq files of the sample) (needed by rdeer-service). Follow the link below to rdeer-service for more details.
- If you have used the
Reindeer index option in the directory index, create an empty file named disk-query (needed by rdeer-service).
Applications below are needed:
- kmerator
- rdeer-service
- snakemake
In addition, certain python scripts need external libraries:
- pyfaidx
- pandas
- plotly
- seaborn
All these are listed in the requirements.txt
file, so, you can install all python software and libraries with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The R script complexity.R needs the library Biostring
, see documentation at
Rdeer-service loads the index in memory and enables running multiple queries against the index in real time. Rdeer-service embeds a special version of Reindeer capable of running in socket mode.
We recommand taking a look at the of rdeer-service to learn how to load the CCLE index:
The quantification folder holds scripts for evaluating Reindeer's quantification of gene expression. See quantification/README
for more detail.
Mutations analysis is provided as a Snakemake pipeline.
See mutations/README for detail.
The fusion/chimera analysis is computed with a bash script. See chimera/README for detail.
See transposable_element/README for detail