Re-implement pHash
comparison using cv2
. Drop imagehash
3 errors and 1 warning
Analysing the code with Pyright:
Type of "dct" is partially unknown
Type of "dct" is "(x: Unknown, type: int = 2, n: Unknown | None = None, axis: int = -1, norm: Unknown | None = None, overwrite_x: bool = False, workers: Unknown | None = None, orthogonalize: Unknown | None = None) -> tuple[Dispatchable]" (reportUnknownMemberType)
Analysing the code with Pyright:
Type of "dct" is partially unknown
Type of "dct" is "(x: Unknown, type: int = 2, n: Unknown | None = None, axis: int = -1, norm: Unknown | None = None, overwrite_x: bool = False, workers: Unknown | None = None, orthogonalize: Unknown | None = None) -> tuple[Dispatchable]" (reportUnknownMemberType)
Analysing the code with Pyright
2 errors
Analysing the code with Pyright:
Stub file not found for "scipy.fft" (reportMissingTypeStubs)
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.