The most powerful Minecraft server scanner in the world.
java -jar threescan.jar <type> <mode> <timeout> <rate> <name> <uniqueId>
- type - the type of scan (simple, range, masscan, threescan)
- mode - the mode of scan (fast, full)
- timeout - the timeout of scan (in milliseconds)
- rate - the rate of scan (scan per second)
- name - the name of a player (used to determine server type)
- uniqueId - the uniqueId of a player (used to determine server type)
It is highly encouraged to use this program with masscan on Linux for better performance.
It is known that this program may cause some issues on Windows.
In order to use this program with masscan, you can use the following command:
masscan -c masscan.conf 2>/dev/null | java -jar threescan.jar masscan stdin 200 2000 <username> <uuid> > output.txt 2>error.txt
- masscan.conf - the configuration file of masscan
- username - the name of a player (which will be shown to scanned hosts)
- uuid - the uniqueId of a player (specify a UUID that matches to the username from
- zero memory copy
- asynchronous I/O
- ability to determine server type
Currently, there are 4 types: "simple", "range", "masscan", and "threescan".
This type is used to scan a single host.
<host> <port> 25565
<host> <portStart> <portEnd> 25565 25565
This type is used to scan a range of hosts.
<CIDR> <portStart> <portEnd> 25565 25565
<ipv4Start>-<ipv4End> <portStart> <portEnd> 25565 25565
<ipv4> <portStart> <portEnd> 25565 25565
This type is used to combine the program with Masscan.
Discovered open port <port>/tcp on <ipv4>
Discovered open port 25565/tcp on
This type is used to recheck the scan results of threescan.
{"host":"<host>", "port":<port>, ...}
{"host":"", "port":25565, ...}
Currently, there are 2 modes: "fast" and "full".
With full mode, additional packets are sent to determine server types. However, scans will be slower and a message will be shown to scanned hosts.