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Materiały z zajęć: iOS Level Up: Spring 2018 na MiMUW


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iOS Level Up Spring 2018

Platforms License: Apache 2.0

iOS Level Up class – MiMUW, Spring 2018


Class 1: UIKit Animations, Gesture Recognition


UIKit animations are simple and easy to master! UIKit is a high level UI Framework, based on Core Animation. Core Animation animations are much more customizable than UIKit's, but UIKit will make it simple to get you started.


The simplest animation API looks like this:

let someView = ... // some view
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4) {
  someView.alpha = 0.3

You can also customize your animation timing functions, and add completion closures like this:

UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, delay: 0, options: [.curveEaseInOut], animations: {
  someView.alpha = 0
}, completion: { completed in

This makes it really easy to chain your animations - just add a new one in the completion closure of the previous one!

There is also a new animation API – UIViewPropertyAnimator. It's far more customizable and it's able to handle interactive and interruptible animations! Both topics are too advanced for this class, but you can learn more here.

To just use UIViewPropertyAnimator, you first create an animator, and then call startAnimation() on it.

let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.2, curve: .easeInOut) {
  someView.frame = someView.frame.offsetBy(dx: 100, dy: 0)


Touch detetection on iOS is done using the UIGestureRecognizer system. It makes it really simple to handle gesture detection. UIGestureRecognizer is an abstract class. To add gesture handling you need three basic steps:

  1. Instantiate a concrete Gesture Recognizer (for example UITapGestureRecognizer) with a target-action.
  2. Optional: configure the gesture
  3. Add your gesture to a view.

Gestures on iOS are handled by the gesture system. Each gesture recognizer instance is responsible for recognizing one gesture.

There are two types of UIGestureRecognizer subclasses. These are discreet and continous gestures. Each gesture operates using a state machine. Discreet gestures are either recognized or failed (tap, swipe). Continous gestures begin at some point, and take a while to complete (for example a pan – user starts panning, continues for a while, and then lifts off their finger). Each gesture state machine looks as following:

UIGestureRecognizer State Machine

All gestures start in the state possible, and then move either to failed or recognized (discreet gestures) and began (for continous gestures). It's a race condition – whichever recognizer recognizes first gets to handle the gesture until it's finished. You can override this behaviour for raw gesture handling using methods like delaysTouchesBegan for mixing with raw touch handling, or gesture recognizer delegates for interactions between gestures.

You can also subclass UIGestureRecognizer and use its API to create your own gestures. You just have to follow this state machine graph, as well as follow the rule fail as quickly as possible (which all gestures should do), and you'll get your own gesture recognizer which just works great with the whole gesture system.

See more here.


See the workshop assignment here.

Class 2: Scroll it ∞! UIScrollView

Simple Scrolling

We talked about UIScrollView. It's used throughout UIKit (UITableView, UICollectionView are subclasses of UIScrollView. ScrollViews are used all over Springboard, iOS Home Screen, etc).

To use Scroll View you just need to set one property – its contentSize: CGSize. This is the size of the content that the user will be to scroll aroud. Just add your subviews to the ScrollView, and start using it.

The current scroll position of the scroll view is represented by a single point: contentOffset: CGPoint. It's the point in the scrollView's coordinate system currently visible in its top left corner.

Note: Using UIScrollView with AutoLayout is a different approach to the one we're taking in this class. To learn how to use UIScrollView with AutoLayout, see the documentation.

Advanced techniques

If you've ever used UITableView before, you probably have used subview tiling. The basic idea is to only load and show the contnent that will be actually visible, instead of the whole view hierarchy.

Sometimes you also want to add some stationary views (views that don't scroll with the content), but you want them to be subviews of the scroll view (for some reason).

In both cases, you need to dynamically manipulate frames of the subviews. There are two methods that you can use to implement tiling and hook up to UIScrollView behaviour.

layoutSubviews is the UIScrollView method that is called on each frame of scrolling. You can subclass UIScrollView and add your custom logic there.

override func layoutSubviews() {
  // custom logic here

The second method which is called on each frame is the scrollview delegate method scrollViewDidScroll. You can use it if you don't want to subclass UIScrollView directly and add your logic there.

func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
  // custom logic here

Infinite scrolling

When you're familiar with the techniques described above, it's really straightforward to add things like infinite scrolling. Just position your contentOffset in the center of the scrollView's contentSize. After the user scrolls for a while, recenter the scrollview (either in layoutSubviews or scrollViewDidScroll) and move your content by the same amount. As long as you do this in the same call of your run loop, it'll be completely transparent to the user, and they won't be able to see what's going on.

Class 3: Collection View and its Layout


We've talked (as the class name suggests) about UICollectionView. UICollectionView was introduced back in iOS 6 as an addition to UITableView for displaying collections of data on screen. Collection is not a replacement for a table – you can still use table views, however UICollectioView is far more generic and customizable.


There are three sort of view categories that you can put in a Collection View. Those are:

  1. Cells – which are obviously data driven. They are the data that you display (could be anything: labels, photos, views...)

  2. Supplementary Views - those are data driven as well. They represent sort of a metadata to your cells. In Table View those would be your header and footer views, but here the concept of supplemetary view is far more generic, so they've picked this name instead

  3. Decoration Views – those are the decorations. Backgrouds, grids, etc. Everythig that is not strictly data driven – decoration views are layout driven, so they are not configured in Collection View's data source.

Here you have a typical collection view layout and its view hierarchy:

Collection View hierarchy

Providing data

There's the same datasource-based mechanism of providing data to UICollectioView as in table view. You set up a data source, and the collection view asks its data source for cell configuration (you use the same cell dequeue mechanism as well).


Collection View architecture

There are more components to a UICollectionView than to a UITableView since the collection view is far more generic and customizable. The main difference is the LAYOUT object. The layout is responsible for positioning the views inside UICollectionView's content size (and to be more exact: it's responsible for calculating their layout attributes which the collection view later applies).


The layout object is the most important object that you'll customize to get a custom collection view. It's designed to be sublassable and generic. There are just a few methods that you need to implement to get your collection view a custom layout. But firstly, let's talk about layouts that are provided with UIKit.

There's only one layout that is provided out of the box, and it's called UICollectionViewFlowLayout. It's also a very customizable and subclassable layout that is designed to be a single scrolling direction, line breaking layout. There's a ton of information online that you can get about flow layout, so I won't get into much detail here (as always, start with the documentation). Generaly speaking, you almost never need anything more thatn a flow layout (or a simple subclass).

To subclass a layout (either basic, abstract collection view layout, or flow layout) you need to implement these methods:

  • var collectionViewContentSize: CGSize { get } – pretty self explainatory – you need to calculate how big your collection view is going to be.

  • func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? - here you compute the layout attributes (frame, size, alpha, zIndex, etc... + your custom properties) for any element that should be visible in a given rect.

  • func layoutAttributesForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? - same as above, but based on an index path, not on a rect.

See more about subclassing here.


This object is the layout attributes that are computed by the layout, for the collection view. Those objects are also subclassable – you can add a custom layout property and pass them throught your subclass of UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes to your items (like background color for example). Each time you subclass UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes remember to override copy() and isEqual with a valid implementation since they're heavily used by the system.

The layout attributes are computed by the layout and passed to a collection view, and then applied to items in func apply(_ layoutAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes). You can override this method to apply your custom attributes.


See the workshop assignment here.

Class 4: Store it!: Core Data basics


Class 5: Instruments 101: Profiling your app and fixing bugs





Materiały z zajęć: iOS Level Up: Spring 2018 na MiMUW







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