Hippo is a fairly basic implementation of a Kanban project board. It supports having multiple projects, per project multiple lanes and per lane multiple cards. Cards can be dragged-and-dropped to be rearranged within the same lane, or across lanes. Lanes on their turn can be dragged to be rearranged.
The front-end is built with:
- React JS front-end using create-react-app
- Evergreen UI component library
- Apollo & React Apollo for Graphql communication and real-time events over Websockets.
Back-end is built using
- Elixir as a programming language
- Phoenix as the HTTP framework
- Absinthe for handling all things GraphQL
- PostgreSQL for storing the data
Hippo is built as an excercise project for me to get familliar with the tech stack as described above.
The easiest way to take Hippo for a spin is by using the Docker image as described below. However should you want to tinker with its insides, I'd recommend to run the parts individually on your local machine.
by far the easiest way to toy with this little project is by running with Docker. Either by building from scratch (including its Postgres dependency) or running the pre-baked Docker image from Docker hub.
git clone [email protected]:Tmw/Hippo.git
cd hippo
docker-compose up
docker run \
-e DB_HOST=localhost \
-e DB_USER=hippo \
-e DB_PASS=hippo \
-e DB_NAME=hippo \
Note this approach expects you to setup and link a Postgresql database yourself as configured in the environment variables. The docker container will run its migrations against the provided database on startup.
- Elixir v1.9.1
- PostgresQL
- Node v10.x
Getting started
To run Hippo front-end on your local machine
git clone [email protected]:Tmw/Hippo.git
cd hippo
cd hippo-frontend && npm start
Run the back-end
cd hippo-backend
mix deps.get
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
iex -S mix phx.server
In order for Apollo to resolve Fragments and Unions into their concrete types, it needs a little guidance from our back-end schema. Writing updates of the schema to disk can be done by running:
npm run get_fragment_types
The extracted fragment_types will be written to src/graphql/fragmentTypes.json