This repository contains tools and libraries for checking and assessing the quality of data published to the ThreeSixtyGiving data standard.
CoVE is a web application to Convert, Validate and Explore data that adheres to an open data standard. This repository contains a CoVE configured for the ThreeSixtyGiving data standard.
A live instance of CoVE is available at:
Install the python dependences:
$ virtualenv .ve --python python3
$ source .ve/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements_cove.txt
Start the development server:
$ ./cove/ runserver
Install the python dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements_cove_dev.txt
$ cd cove
$ py.test
CoVE is based on Django and be deployed using the deployment mechanisms as defined in the Django docs
There is incomplete and experimental support for deploying with dokku. (No persistent data yet, for example).
DO NOT use in production.
On the server:
dokku apps:create $app_name
dokku config:set --no-restart $app_name DEBUG=False
dokku config:set --no-restart $app_name
dokku git:set $app_name keep-git-dir true
On the local machine:
git remote add dokku [email protected]:$app_name
git push dokku main
lib360dataquality is a library that contains useful functions and classes for checking ThreeSixtyGiving standard data.
It is used by both tools and CoVE to generate reports on the data quality.
Install just the python library
$ virtualenv .ve --python python3
$ source .ve/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .
The tools directory contains a number of command line tools that can be run on TheeSixtyGiving standard data to generate various reports.
Running various tools example: ../a001p00000tuoBKAAY.ods
To use the python library import it into your python program, for example to use the additional checks:
from lib360dataquality.cove.threesixtygiving import common_checks_360
from lib360dataquality.cove.schema import Schema360
context = { "file_type": "json" }
working_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
data = '' # Your JSON data
common_checks_360(context, working_dir, data, Schema360())
Code should pass flake8
New code should aim to pass python black