make your video with moving effect
- Install required libraries
- VERY IMPORTANT. Make sure you have enough space on your drive, other than it will crash. The 3 minutes 27 MB video can be rendered to 2GB. But don't worry much it has an acceptable render speed.
- Change the 'bad.mkv' to your video path(with extension)
- At Ln: 66 Col: 56
motion_frame_bg = cv2.addWeighted(prev_final_frame, 0.8, np.zeros_like(prev_final_frame), 0.2, 0.0)
you can see 0.8 number in the code, change it can make the effect faster or slower.
- 0: is not change(same as input)
- (>0) - (<1): bigger number makes it move slower
- 1: Bad apple but if you pause you can't see
- (>1): just don't.
The code looks bad I don't know to optimize it.