Primarily intended for mod developers, this modding-tools are a set of panels and windows originally developed by Amplitude Studios itself to make the debugging, testing and game development much easier.
They allow you to spawn any unit, anywhere. The same with constructibles, you can paint any district directly on the map in a simple point and click. You can allow the AI to control your empire and watch the game evolve at full speed, only a few seconds per turn. Switch to another empire and take full control. Infinite unit movement, unlock, cancel and complete all civics, technologies, resources, achievements, etc.
And that's not all, it's also a way to bring GUIs to your mods in a few lines of code, and with "live-reloading" by the way, seeing the changes as you write them.
This mod requires BepInEx to be installed in your game directory. If you don't have it, you can follow this guide.
- Download and unpack Humankind.GUITools.zip into your game directory.
- Run the game.
When decompiling the Humankind assemblies back to source code we found 100+ hidden utility tools used by Amplitude Studios to test, profile and develop the game.
Many of them are a must have for mod developers in order to test their mod in many different scenarios since they allow us to advance to a desired game state in no time.
From those 100+ hidden tools we only had the time to test 20-25 of them, of which only ~15 of them are successfully adapted and available right now. There are still many tools to check!
LocalizationFloatingWindow, Widget, ClockWidget, MemoryProfilerWindow, ProfilerWindow,
FxComponentEvolveProfilingWindow, FxOutputLayerProfilingWindow, GPUProfilerWindow,
GraphicsTools, UnityProfilerLoggingWindow, RenderPipelineAuditWindow, AffinityUtils,
AI, AICursor, AirStrikeReport, Archetypes, AudioEvents, AudioScale, Avatar, BattleAI,
BattleExternalSupport, BattleParticipants, BattleReport, BiomeAudio, BlackList,
CameraMover, CameraSequence, ChallengeRewards, ChallengeViewer, Chat, ChoreographyActions,
CityAudio, CivicsUtils, Collectible, Diplomacy, DiplomaticLog, DisplaySettings,
DistrictPainter, DownloadableContent, Droppables, EffectMapperDebugger,
CostModifierEvaluationDebugger, DescriptorEvaluationDebugger, DistrictEvaluationDebugger,
EndGameFlow, EndTurnTimer, FameRankingUtility, FameUtils, Framerate, GameClientConnections,
GameClientServer, Ideology, InputFilter, MapEditor, MapSharing, Marketing, Metadata,
MilitaryCheats, MinorFaction, ModPlaylist, NarrativeEventDebugger, NetworkStatistics,
NetworkSynchronization, OrderStatistics, Physics, Ping, PlayerProfile, Pollution,
PresentationCursor, RansackCursor, ReligionUtils, RemoteSandboxes, ResourcesUtils,
SessionSlots, SessionUsers, SettlementUtils, SnapshotStatistics, Squadrons,
StateShareUtils, StatisticsAndAchievements, Surrender, TechnologyUtils,
TerrainAudioModule, TerrainPicking, TimemapDebugger, Trade, TradeNodeUtils, Trophies,
TutorialFakeWindow, TutorialInfo, TwitchExtension, WorldGeneration, WorldLifeDebugger,
CustomMap, ScenarioEditor, BattleDebug, PawnAnimation, Pawns, CameraLayersWindow,
ProceduralTerrainRendererWindow, UIVirtualScreenTester, UISettingsOverlayWindow, UIUtils,
AudioOptions, AutoTurn, Dump, EmpireWideConstructionUtils, GameInfo, NetworkDebugger,
SandboxStatus, TerritoryUtils
LocalizationFloatingWindow, Widget, ClockWidget, MemoryProfilerWindow, ProfilerWindow, FxComponentEvolveProfilingWindow, FxOutputLayerProfilingWindow, GPUProfilerWindow, GraphicsTools, UnityProfilerLoggingWindow, RenderPipelineAuditWindow, AffinityUtils, AI, AICursor, AirStrikeReport, Archetypes, AudioEvents, AudioScale, Avatar, BattleAI, BattleExternalSupport, BattleParticipants, BattleReport, BiomeAudio, BlackList, CameraMover, CameraSequence, ChallengeRewards, ChallengeViewer, Chat, ChoreographyActions, CityAudio, CivicsUtils, Collectible, Diplomacy, DiplomaticLog, DisplaySettings, DistrictPainter, DownloadableContent, Droppables, EffectMapperDebugger, CostModifierEvaluationDebugger, DescriptorEvaluationDebugger, DistrictEvaluationDebugger, EndGameFlow, EndTurnTimer, FameRankingUtility, FameUtils, Framerate, GameClientConnections, GameClientServer, Ideology, InputFilter, MapEditor, MapSharing, Marketing, Metadata, MilitaryCheats, MinorFaction, ModPlaylist, NarrativeEventDebugger, NetworkStatistics, NetworkSynchronization, OrderStatistics, Physics, Ping, PlayerProfile, Pollution, PresentationCursor, RansackCursor, ReligionUtils, RemoteSandboxes, ResourcesUtils, SessionSlots, SessionUsers, SettlementUtils, SnapshotStatistics, Squadrons, StateShareUtils, StatisticsAndAchievements, Surrender, TechnologyUtils, TerrainAudioModule, TerrainPicking, TimemapDebugger, Trade, TradeNodeUtils, Trophies, TutorialFakeWindow, TutorialInfo, TwitchExtension, WorldGeneration, WorldLifeDebugger, CustomMap, ScenarioEditor, BattleDebug, PawnAnimation, Pawns, CameraLayersWindow, ProceduralTerrainRendererWindow, UIVirtualScreenTester, UISettingsOverlayWindow, UIUtils, AudioOptions, AutoTurn, Dump, EmpireWideConstructionUtils, GameInfo, NetworkDebugger, SandboxStatus, TerritoryUtils
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- Not checked recently, but the Modding.Humankind.DevTools libary played along with the AOM.Humankind.Teams mod was making the game to crash on start.