Congratulations! You've made it this far! You worked through problems, large and small, to develop a fundamental understanding of the Document Object Model. Your understanding of the JavaScript DOM API is strong enough to build something really cool and that is your goal for this project!
Your assignment is to build a game. Though, there are general guidelines and checkpoints for this project, it is left fairly open-ended by design. The purpose of this project is to:
- Extend your JavaScript foundations to build a more complex project
- Allow you the flexibility to experiment with a new library or framework to build something new.
- Give you additional practice working in teams
- Let you have fun and build something that makes you proud!
Your first task is to choose the game that you'd like to build. I will provide you with guidance on the scope/feasibility of your project to help ensure that you choose a game that you can reasonably complete within a week. For guidance consider games within these three categories, in order of difficulty:
- Clicking/Static Games (example)
- Card Games (example)
- Platform Games(example)
- Classic 2D Games (example)
For this project, you are to lean into your autodidacticism. In order to complete this project at a satisfactory level, you will have to do some self-learning. This is by design. By pulling from blog articles, YouTube tutorials, and examples on GitHub, you will be able to build whatever you put your mind to.
- Does your game work?
- Is your game intuitive to play?
- Is your game board visually appealing?
- Does your game respond predictably to user input?
- Is your game logic encapsulated into functions or classes?
- Are your variables and functions well named?
- Is your code well commented?
- Did you pull in an external library or framework to improve the UI or gameplay of your game?
UI Libraries/Frameworks