Authors: Laura Codazzi, Alessandro Colombi, Matteo Gianella.
The R
package FGM provides statistical tools for Bayesian structural learning in the framework of functional data analysis. The package implements the model presented in
Codazzi et al. (2021). To learn the structre of dependencies, this package exploits the efficien Birth and Death approach presented in
Mohammadi and Wit (2015)
and implemented in the R
package BDgraph
, available here. Such a package is not loaded in FGM as the authors needed to slightly modify
the BDgraph code to adapt it to their needs. As a consequence, parts of the BDgraph
code have been included in the package. For those, all rights are reserved to BDgraph
FGM requires the loading of some R
packages. Run in the R
console the following line to make sure that they are available.
install.packages(c("stringr", "coda", "fields", "e1071", "fda"))
The package can be installed using:
is the function where the sampling strategy is implemented. Here is an example of its usage to fit the Purees dataset available here.
We considered only the subgroup made of strawberry purees, discarding the others.
# load data ---------------------------------------------------------------
fgmobj <- create_structure()
# set parameters ----------------------------------------------------------
n = dim(StrawberryPurees)[1]
r = dim(StrawberryPurees)[2]
p = 40
a_Beta = 1
b_Beta = (2*p - 2)/3 - 1 #Beta prior, Beta(a_Beta, b_Beta)
gprior <- c(a_Beta, b_Beta) # Graph prior
hyper <- list()
hyper[[1]] <- 2
hyper[[2]] <- 0.02
hyper[[3]] <- 100
hyper[[4]] <- 3
hyper[[5]] <- gprior
names(hyper) <- c('a_tau_eps', 'b_tau_eps', 'sigma_mu', 'd0', 'gprior')
# initial values ----------------------------------------------------------
init <- list()
init[[1]] = fgmobj$basemat
init[[2]] = diag(rep(1,fgmobj$p))
init[[3]] = fgmobj$beta
init[[4]] = fgmobj$mu
init[[5]] = diag(rep(1,fgmobj$p))
init[[6]] = 1
names(init) = c('basemat', 'G0', 'Beta0', 'mu0', 'K0', 'tau_eps0')
# sampler parameters ------------------------------------------------------
niter <- 100000
nburn <- 20000
thin <- 20
thinG <- 2
iter_to_store <- (niter - nburn)/thin
iter_to_storeG <- (niter - nburn)/thinG
# run ---------------------------------------------------------------------
fit <- FGM_sampler(data = data, niter=niter, nburn=nburn, thin=thin, thinG=thinG, init=init, hyper=hyper)
# read results ------------------------------------------------------------
beta_list = list()
for(i in 1:dim(fgmobj$basemat)[1]){
beta_list[[i]] = fit[[i]]
beta_mean = beta_pointwise_estimate(beta_list, p)
mu_mean = colMeans(fit$mu)
tau_eps_mean = mean(fit$tau_eps)
PL = plinks(fit$bdobject)
G_fdr = FDR_analysis(PL, tol = seq(0.1,1,by = 0.01))$best_truncated_graph
K_hat = fit$bdobject$K_hat