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Tenderly Virtual TestNets CI/CD Infrastructure

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The Tenderly/vnet-github-action automates provisioning of multiple parallel Virtual TestNets for smart contract CI/CD pipelines. You can fork multiple networks simultaneously (e.g., Ethereum Mainnet, Base, Arbitrum), with each Virtual TestNet providing:


  • Multi-Network Testing: Fork multiple networks in parallel with unique chain IDs
  • Automated Deployments: Deploy and verify contracts with complete deployment logs
  • CI/CD Integration: Run tests against forked networks and maintain staging environments
  • Artifact Collection: Track deployments across networks with structured logs

Operating Modes

The action supports two modes:

  • CI Mode: Creates ephemeral Virtual TestNets that are cleaned up after testing. No artifacts or build info files are persisted nor pushed after the run.
  • CD Mode:
    • Creates persistent Virtual TestNets for staging environments
    • Collects deployment artifacts in the .tenderly/ directory
    • Optionally commits and pushes artifacts to your repository (controlled by parameter push_on_complete)

Quick Start

1. Prerequisites

  1. Get your Tenderly access key and store it in GitHub Action Secrets as TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY
  2. Set up your project name and account name in GitHub Action variables as TENDERLY_PROJECT_NAME and TENDERLY_ACCOUNT_NAME

2. Basic Configuration

Create .github/workflows/ci.yaml:

name: Smart Contract CI
on: [ push, pull_request ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Setup Virtual TestNet
        uses: Tenderly/[email protected]
          mode: CI
          access_key: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY }}
          project_name: ${{ vars.TENDERLY_PROJECT_NAME }}
          account_name: ${{ vars.TENDERLY_ACCOUNT_NAME }}
          testnet_name: 'CI Test Network'
          network_id: |
          chain_id_prefix: 7357  # Results in chain IDs 73571, 73578453
          public_explorer: true
          verification_visibility: 'src'
          state_sync: true
          push_on_complete: true


Explore hardhat-ignition and foundry CI setup in more detail. For more details, explore the CI with hardhat and CI with Foundry guides.

Configuration Options

Required Inputs

Name Description
access_key Tenderly API Access Key
project_name Tenderly Project Name
account_name Tenderly Account Name
testnet_name Display name for the Virtual TestNet
network_id Network IDs to fork (multiline input)
block_number Block number to fork from
chain_id_prefix Prefix for generating unique chain IDs. Use "" for no prefix.

Optional Inputs

Name Default Description
public_explorer false Enable block explorer
verification_visibility 'bytecode' Contract verification visbility ('abi', 'src', or 'bytecode')
state_sync false Enable State Sync
mode 'CI' Action mode ('CI' or 'CD') - CI cleans up after completion, CD preserves the Virtual TestNet
push_on_complete false Push deployment artifacts in CD mode

Environment Variables

Network-Specific Variables

After forking each of the specified networks, the following environment variables are exported (replace {network_id} with actual network ID).

Variable Description
TENDERLY_TESTNET_ID_{network_id} Virtual TestNet UUID, uniquely identifying it within Tenderly
TENDERLY_ADMIN_RPC_URL_{network_id} Admin RPC endpoint with cheatcode methods
TENDERLY_PUBLIC_RPC_URL_{network_id} Public RPC endpoint
TENDERLY_CHAIN_ID_{network_id} Chain ID
TENDERLY_TESTNET_SLUG_{network_id} Unique TestNet slug
TENDERLY_FOUNDRY_VERIFICATION_URL_{network_id} Foundry verification URL
BUILD_OUTPUT_FILE_{network_id} Build output file path

For example, if you're provisioning Virtual TestNets for Ethereum Mainnet (network ID 1) and Base (network ID 8453), you'll get the public RPC by accessing $TENDERLY_PUBLIC_RPC_URL_1.

Global Variables

The following global variables are useful for configuring Hardhat verification and performing Foundry verification.

Variable Description
TENDERLY_ACCOUNT_NAME Tenderly account name
TENDERLY_PROJECT_NAME Tenderly project name
TENDERLY_ACCESS_KEY Tenderly access key
BUILD_SLUG Unique slug for the current run of the Github Action, consisting of run number and run ID

Deployment Artifacts

Infrastructure Tracking

After each Virtual TestNet creation, the .tenderly/infra directory will hold JSON files with access information to those TestNets. The action will push this directory to your repository for CD-mode, if push_on_complete is true.

Foundry Deployment Artifacts

In CD mode, the action generates and pushes the following artifacts in the .tenderly/ directory:

  • infra/{job-identifier}.json: Infrastructure information
  • tmp/{testnet-slug}.json: Raw build output
  • deployed-{testnet-slug}.json: Structured deployment information

Hardhat Ignition Artifacts

Hardhat ignition artifacts are present in the ignition/deployments directory and will be pushed to the main repository.

Best practices

Debug Logging

Enable debug logs by setting:

  DEBUG: '@tenderly/github-action'

GitHub Environment Setup

Use GitHub CLI to set up required variables and secrets:




  1. Use unique chain IDs (e.g., with chain_id_prefix) to prevent transaction replay attacks
  2. Enable public_explorer and set verification_visibility to 'src' for more debugging information
  3. In CD mode, use push_on_complete to maintain deployment history
  4. Structure your workflow to use CI mode for tests and CD mode for staging environments

