is the only requirement.
You can install it either by running pip install docopt
or by running pip install -r requirements.txt
You can find the following documentation with the --help
Find the intersection of multiple sets.
interset [--input=<input>|-i=<input>] [--method=<method>|-m=<method>] [--output=<output>|-o=<output>]
[--verbosity|-v|-vv|-vvv] [--log-file=<log_path>]
interset generate (--output=<output>|-o=<output>) [--sets=<s>|-s=<s>] [--elements=<e>|-e=<e>] [--common=<c>|-c=<c>]
[--verbosity|-v|-vv|-vvv] [--log-file=<log_file>]
interset benchmark [--setup] [--verbosity|-v|-vv|-vvv] [--log-file=<log_file>]
interset list (methods|datasets) [--verbosity|-v|-vv|-vvv] [--log-file=<log_file>]
generate generate the benchmark data (in data folder).
benchmark launch the different methods and display results.
list list the available methods or datasets.
--input=<input> -i=<input> The file containing the array of sets.
This file should contain one set by line, every entity must be separated by a "\t".
[default: data/input.txt]
--output=<output> -o=<output> The file where the resulting set should be stored.
[default: data/output.txt]
--method=<method> -m=<method> The method that this script should use to get the intersection
[default: best]
--sets=<s> -s=<s> The number of sets. [default: 10]
--elements=<e> -e=<e> The number of elements in each set. [default: 100]
--common=<c> -c=<c> The number of common elements in each set.
Of course this should be less or equal than the number of elements. [default: 20]
--setup Generate a lot of files to benchmark
--verbosity -v The level of verbosity.
--log-file=<log-file> The file where the log should be stored (if any).
--version -V Display the version of this script.
--help -h Display this screen.
dataset Set Intersection Set Intersection Reduce Binary Reduce
10sets%100elements%20commons 2.5033950805664062e-05 2.6702880859375e-05 2.002716064453125e-05
100sets%1000elements%200commons 0.0008323192596435547 0.000896453857421875 0.0010635852813720703
150sets%1500elements%300commons 0.004316091537475586 0.0043392181396484375 0.0045013427734375
600sets%10000elements%500commons 0.048795461654663086 0.04901933670043945 0.05125308036804199
1000sets%50000elements%5000commons 0.690288782119751 0.7071182727813721 0.6256792545318604
1500sets%50000elements%5000commons 1.0401890277862549 0.9484059810638428 1.0698180198669434