MongoDB Client with connection string
These tools are python client programs for only retrieving
db records from mongodb and then store them to local csv file.
- Python3 + PyMongo + Pandas
connection string
- listing database and table name from the target mongodb.
- using find_one({}) of pymongo instead of find() for checking the target data schema.
- using find({}) i.e; download all records of the database/table
- fetch documents every 10000 records
- converting pandas df every document, so if documents are too much, you feels slow.
- using find(query)
- Argument examples (timestamp is the timestamp field in this case, status and portnum are just examples.)
- database_name table_name '{"$and":[{"status":True},{"portnum":80}]}'
- database_name table_name '{"timestamp":{"$gt":1677633240}}' timestamp
- database_name table_name '{"timestamp":{"$gt":1677633240,"$lte":1679968394}}' timestamp
- database_name table_name '{"$and":[{"timestamp":{"$gt":1677633240}},{"portnum":80}]}' timestamp
- Only epoch time is available as timestamp value to this script, it's converted to datetime obj inside this script.
- Timezone is not considered in the conversion, it will follow the executing system timezone.
NOTE: scripts write the connection string to stdout by print("# connecting to %s\n"%target_mongo)
Please comment out if you don't prefer this in terms of security like your mongodb's user/pass credential showing
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04
- Python 3.5.2
- pymongo-3.13.0, dnspython-1.16.0
- numpy-1.18.5 pandas-0.24.2 python-dateutil-2.8.2 pytz-2023.2
- OS: macOS 12.2
- Python 3.8.8
- pymongo-4.3.3, dnspython-2.3.0
- numpy-1.24.2 pandas-1.5.3 python-dateutil-2.8.2 pytz-2023.2 six-1.16.0
MongoDB's copy functionality
- mongodump
- mongorestore