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Code Layout

Tadas Baltrusaitis edited this page Jun 30, 2019 · 7 revisions
  • ./lib
    • local - the actual meat of the code where the relevant computer vision algorithms reside
      • CppInterop - wrappers around C++ code for C# bindings
      • LandmarkDetector - The CE-CLM, CLNF, and CLM algorithms together with face tracking code
      • FaceAnalyser - Facial Action Unit detection and some useful code for extracting features for facial analysis
      • GazeAnalyser - Code for extracting eye gaze
      • Utilities - Utility code for image and video reading, result recording, result visualization, and rotation and image manipulation
    • 3rdParty - place for 3rd party libraries
      • CameraEnumerator - useful utility for listing and naming connected webcams
      • OpenCV3.4 - prepackaged OpenCV 3.4 library that is used extensively internally to provide support for basic computer vision functionallity
      • dlib - a header only dlib library (includes the face detector used for in-the-wild images)
      • OpenBLAS - prepackaged OpenBLAS code for fast matrix multiplication
  • ./exe - the runner and executables that show how to use the libraries for facial expression and head pose tracking, these best demonstrate how to use the libraries
    • FeatureExtraction - main workhorse executable for sequences - extracting all supported features from faces: landmarks, AUs, head pose, gaze, similarity normalised faces and HOG features
    • FaceLandmarkImg - main workhorse executable for images - extracting all supported features from faces: landmarks, AUs, head pose, gaze, similarity normalised faces and HOG features
    • FaceLandmarkVid - running single person landmark detection and gaze extraction on videos on disk or from a webcam
    • FaceLandmarkVidMulti - tracking multiple faces in sequences and extracting their features (from a webcam, video file or an image sequene)
    • releases - scripts for packaging the Windows binaries into a release
  • ./gui - the Windows GUI executables
    • HeadPose-live - tracking and recording head pose, very specialist use
    • OpenFaceDemo - nice visualization of OpenFace results from a webcam
    • OpenFaceOffline - GUI for processing videos, image sequences, collections of images and webcam feeds, same functionallity as that of FeatureExtraction
  • ./matlab_runners helper scripts for running the experiments and demos, see ./matlab_runners/readme.txt for more info
  • ./matlab_version A Matlab version of parts of OpenFace together with some training code, more details in ./matlab_version/readme.txt
  • ./Release The created directory after compilation containing the desired executables for x86 architectures
  • ./x64/Release The created directory after compilation containing the desired executables for x64 architectures
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