TSPackage is a packager that can be used to package TypeScript projects for use in Node and WebUI's. It's an experiment to a make packager that is unlike Webpack, whose only mission is to merge TypeScript output to various loadable formats. Webpack, Babel etc are oriented towards a world before EcmaScript Modules, Classes, TypeScript.
It sews togther a set of javascript modules (output by the TypeScript compiler) that presumably use classes and resolve imports between them. It then provides some horrible standard import/export wrapper to accomodate the loading environment.
I wrote it initially to make Grafana Plugins in TypeScript without having to adopt Grafana's extensive build setup. Like a lot of modern projects, explicit runtime dependencies and modularity rules are not expressed or documented. Instead wildly complex and cranky development-time dependencies are recommended. I don't like programming that way, so I just wrote a packager to do what I need and not do 100 things that I don't even want to know about. I now use it to avoid Webpack entirely for all of my TypeScript work.
This package uses Antlr4 for parsing javascript. It also the JavaScript grammar from the Antlr github examples.
Cyclic dependencies are probably not handled. I don't write code with cyclic dependencies very often.
A better command line or input file to call out options and choices more explicitly.
Explicitly note output module type, eg CJS,UMD,AMD,ES6.
This package should move from to TypeScript from java. I have recently started using the javascript runtime from Antlr in Typescipt projects. It would be much more natural to drive builds with just Node- and JS-based tooling.