- Tourism in Saudi Arabia.
- Culture & Heritage in Saudi Arabia.
- Manufacturing & Industries in Saudi Arabia.
- Agriculture in Saudi Arabia.
- Science in Saudi Arabia.
- History of Saudi Arabia.
- etc.....
- Use Django.
- Use templates & templates inheritance.
- Use dynamic urls where applicable.
- Use static files where applicable.
- homepage + other 4 pages.
- Coherent, uniform design .
- Implement dark and light mode.
- You can use a CSS library to style your website (such as Bootstrap or equivalent)
- You can use a cdn or a cloud storage to host large files such as large videos (example: Goolge Firebase Cloud Storage: https://firebase.google.com/docs/storage)
- Title of the page , with a catchy phrase about tourism in Saudi Arabia
- A single wide image covering the page.
- A paragraph about the tourism in Saudi Arabia in General.
- A list of cities pages with links to them (the pages are listed down below).
- Title of city with a catchy phrase
- A Gallery of images (you can use a Carousel) for the city.
- A short video about the city . (you can embed a youtube video , or use a video hosted on your website)
- Title of city with a catchy phrase.
- Top Attractions in the city.
- A brief about the city.
- A Gallery of images (you can use a Carousel) for the city.
- A short video about the city . (you can embed a youtube video , or use a video hosted on your website)
- Title of city with a catchy phrase.
- Top Attractions in the city.
- A brief about the city.
- A Gallery of images (you can use a Carousel) for the city.
- A short video about the city . (you can embed a youtube video , or use a video hosted on your website)
- Title of city with a catchy phrase.
- Top Attractions in the city.
- A brief about the city.
- A Gallery of images (you can use a Carousel) for the city.
- A short video about the city . (you can embed a youtube video , or use a video hosted on your website)