Webbutvecklare inom .NET, Utbildningsnr YH00854, 30yhp.
EC Utbildning https://ecutbildning.se/utbildningar/webbutvecklare-inom-net/
In each exercise/submission there is a README where more detailed instructions can be found.
Pathname: 1-html-first-page
The purpose of the exercise is to understand basic html syntax, initially how a menu works and how a most basic architecture (two separeate html-files) of a traditional web page is built. It also provides the opportunity to experiment with user input via forms. The student is asked to use only html.
Pathname: 2-html-small-webbsite
The goal of the task is to create a small but, according to best practice, sufficient website with only html, where the architecture consists of a homepage and three subpages; index.html, products.html, about.html, contact.html
Pathname: 3-css-positioning
The purpose of the task is to experiment with basic layout tools in css, such as the box model, column layout, multi-columns, margins, padding, the properties display, float, clear, etc. Since bootstrap mainly builds on flex-box, the exercise also includes a part where the ability to practice this tool is included.
Pathname: 4-responsiv-anim-svg
The aim of the exercise is to understand the basics of how to create an responsive website. It is also an opportunity to experiment with different animattion tools in CSS like transform, transistion and animation, and also an opportunity to use svg.
Pathname: 5-css-bootstrap
The purpose with the exercise is by using various snippets, plugins and themes, the student will be able to understand and edit a website's CSS using Bootstrap. The aim is to test many (or all) of bootstrap's possibilities, partly based on Bootsrap's own html code but also based on creating an own HTML skeleton which then uses Bootstrap.
Pathname: 6-course-submission
The objective of the submission is to create a small but, according to best practice, adequate website, using techniques taught during the course. Architecture and content must be built around at least the following subpages; index.html, products.html (with a gallery), blog-html, about.html and contact.html