Implementation of Salus (arXiv paper).
Must be used with a customized tensorflow at SymbioticLab/tensorflow-salus. Note that these two projects are tightly coupled together. Make sure to use latest commit from both projects.
Using docker. You will need the nvidia-docker extension.
docker run --rm -it
This will start a salus server listen at port 5501.
Then when creating tensorflow session, use zrpc://tcp://localhost:5501
as the session target.
Requires CMake 3.10
and modern compiler with c++14 support, e.g. GCC 5.4
is minimum.
- ZeroMQ with C++ binding
- Boost 1.66
- protobuf 3.4.1
- gperftools 2.7 (if build with TCMalloc)
- nlohmann-json
- concurrentqueue
- docopt.cpp
- easyloggingpp
See toplevel CMakeLists.txt for details.